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Posts posted by BYL05R

  1. yer da colour is good, da only reason i havent been changing colours on dis forum was cause sum1 on this forum didnt approve it and thought it was stupid changin colours and adding nice artwork to da cars lol...

    atm i was workin on a ROLLS ROYCE BUT i get dat finished 2moz mornin

  2. bahahahahahah u are now taking advantage of the points oh well the hummer is epic 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points

    LMAO.... hahahah... u restored your twin cam yet cruzer? cause ur car in da DP looks like it has hahaha looks pretty neat now

  3. rice. burners.

    this is how you do first cars =D


    hmmm ur sad... every1's first car isnt that great... and do u stillhave dat car? cause if u do i show u mate dat i aint no ricer, and also i been thru over 15 cars already not funny, dad kept giving me random cars, den taking them away by selling them quickly to make profit, very smart for him, but not for me thought it was stupid, and annoying hahah, but den i got da hang of it, so every couple of weeks i would turn up to skewl in a different car, so it was hectic lol

  4. my first ever car... was a 1981 toyota corolla i loved that beast and wish i had it today... da only reason i ran away from me was cause my dad sold it afta he got booked for drink driving and he needed to pay da friken fine... and also ummmm afta dat my first car that i bought was da 1985 hatch back rolla =] hehehe for 150 bux bargain and it ran like it was no tomorrow lol

    here is da pic of the 1981 rolla i had 3856520129a4026280294b6.jpg

  5. lol that car looks ridiculously funny hahah, apart from that nice shop spillage, i rate 7 out of ten, cause da front looks pixilated and a FAIL for the side mirror LMAO one of them are black hahahahah looks weird apart from that its not a diss its really really good with the detail, inside the car =] great job

  6. hahah awesome, nah thanks spillage i dont like that angel hahaha...

    here is one i did at tafe and i based it on quality well at least tried to


    hahah and i got bored so i made just this alteration to the image


  7. wow looks great evo7 hahah=] and well is there any other challanges, and SPILLAGE i couldnt be bothered on getting things perfect lol most of da time i am hell tired doing them lol

  8. its never to late to get your entry in evo, with the convertible toyo what you have to do is make windscreen/side of car copy and then drop the back ground in behind it, depending on how complex the backgrond is it will determine the difficulty of the conversion, some times you can drop it straight in but most times like the 66 crown youll have to do a lot of hand painting

    that sounds very complicated lol... ummmm the way i learn how to do things is by watching other people do it =] heheh so i just look out for some video tuts heheh but i try my best =] and alright i photoshop that car =] heheh

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