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Posts posted by XploShun

  1. ok!

    i think we got 6 buyers... but i doubt all of them are still interested.. coz its been a while..

    anyway.. can 1 of u pm all of those buyers and see if they're still interested? sorry too busy lately with tests and assignments !@#$%^&

    CME LFT (state, suburb)

    Whitestivo (state, suburb)

    C-Rolla (state, suburb)

    disturb3d (state, suburb)

    ohh yeaahh (state, suburb)

    Insyderz (state, suburb)

    if you guys are genuinely interested..

    please put down which state and suburb you're in (beside your name) and who are you pairing up with.

    price may change a little due to the ER (go the oz $$$!!! wooohooo) and the last gb was nearly 6 months ago ($340AUD?? i forgot, so it might have gone up)

    anyway.. it should be between to 31x-340AUD each for a pair sent to 1 address.

    and 20-30 extra for a single order... dont remember, whitestivo read it somewhere in this topic.

    i'll check with the seller if we really do have 6 buyers.

  2. yall can keep talkin bout vista, ill just go ahead and dl the sp3 when i get home... lol

    Why do you need SP3 anyway? What do you want to do that you cant do with SP2?

    i dont need it..

    but it will stop annoying me if i have it


    SO OKAY, im at the boulevard (fairfield heights) opposite 'food for less' JUST got in my car typing in my credit number bull**** thing and i see this guy holding a trolley, i thought he was collecting and then outta ******en no where he rams it into my car and see him throwing those milk carton carry thingos at other cars and i was LIKE WDF I GOT OUT LOL STARTED SWEARING AND **** FKN THIS JUNKIE LOOKING GUY THINKS HIS ALL TOUGH N **** N IS LIKE WHAT WHAT, AND I WAS LIKE BRO I CAN MAKE ONE PHONE CALL AND ULL BE ******EN DEAD (um .. if u know my sister LOL u would know what im talking about) AND THIS KIENT IS LIKE COME ON COME ON LOL AND I WAS LIKE ALRIGHT DONE, I MSGD MY SISTER AND THEN CALLED THE POLICE, N THIS GUY STARTS POWERWALKING OFF LOL AND IM LIKE EHH FUKWIT WHERE U GOING THE COPS ARE COMING SOON, LOL AND THEN HE BOLTS IT finished doing the details for the police on the phone and then i followed him down the road (found him, made it pretty far) and i was like where u going? u scared? and this ******* LOL cos im still in the car comes up to my car like he wants to start something and im like wdf mate i can run u over right now LOL AND THEN HE RUNS OFF


    they drove around abit got my details but didnt find him LOL then me and my sis went looking for him around the small streets .. no luck



    im outta breath from reading this..

    but ANYWAY, you soooooo should have taken a photo!

    you got time to talk (or swearing) to that prick.. but you forgot to take a photo?

    hope its not badly damaged tho

    170cm cambo/viet? hmmmmmmmmmm :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  4. i read that too..

    i never changed my springs. this never happened before so is it possible to start after few years?

    i can hear it when im corning hard and going slow...

    o yeh! this is probably after i went pass a few speed humps... those humps are more like STEPS!!

    YUS... u know? the 1s before we enter the car park

    but its weird.. i can notice it only when im turning left.

    wheres this spring seat??? seat???

  5. thanks for you guys' responses, but unfortunately the car still hasn't found yet :angry:
    ROFL, nowadays, cops always ask on the phone..... is this a life threatening situation??? if not.... then they will leave us to the last.... :help::whistling:

    so in this case can i tell the cops that my car is my life, and now my car (=my life) is missing. will they come straight away?


    cop: sure thing.. on my way!! ***after i finish my last dozen of krispy kreme donuts***

  6. monday @ MQ car park,

    i saw a BLACK DC2R.. i think the guy took his interior or something.. like HU and stuff... coz the owner was showing his friend and all..

    bonnet opened..

    dunno wt happened.. security guards were there.. heard them saying the police will arrive soon...

    i was in my car.. chatting on my phone for 30mins... but no cops came... <_<

    i was gonna get a new HU this month... but after seeing this.. hmmm mayb not :(

    dc2r mustve been reeeeeeally popular!!

    will keep an eye out for you! hope the owner finds it!

  7. Sick goal. Other link is dead, so here is this one for a short time til youtube chucks the ****s

    if i only heard the clip... i wouldve thought its a horse race from greece or something..

    the commentator just wont shut up! :help: :help: :help:

    edit: great goal!!

  8. 30? i dunno man!

    ronaldinho is only 26!!

    and hes playing crap this season... wait, is he injuried??

    man.. i hate beck.. i didnt like Man U and Real.. bcoz of him..

    but now.. MAN U!!!

  9. rooney can probably play really good soccer til early 30s..

    but i cant see ronaldo doing that...

    wingers' peak is around mid/late 20s...


    Giggs.. man.. i reckon hes just as good when he was young.. scored the best Man U goal..

    now.. u dont see him.. passing 4-5 players anymore.. sigh!

    im a big fans of giggs.. btw!

  10. dark blue corolla with jdm taillights, dark gunmetal rims & spoiler, random yellow plates on george st outside wynyard station 2day just after 3pm! I was walkin in d rain tryin 2 take a pic with my 6110 navigator but the cam settings were set on the 2nd camera- ended taking a pic of myself. Excuse bad speling im typin this on d train home

    wow!!! ive been spotted!.................. i think...(1st time)

    its not dark gunmetal rims... its suppose to be bronze with some blue on the side... XD

    stupid pad... is making too much dust...

    btw on monday around 1210pm.. spotted a black stivo with grille, eyelid and lowered.. along homebush bay drive

    number plate is

    AZN ???... asian driving it... lol.. it took me a while to realize :P

  11. not paying attention and went straight through a stop sign.

    Luckily no-one was hurt, except for my pride and joy. (and the other car, but it was only a festiva)

    On the upside, spare parts won't be a problem anymore.

    sorry to hear that...

    but it was only a festiva <<<<< :lol: :lol: :lol:

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