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Posts posted by XploShun

  1. hey xploshun, just confirming, did u receive the money i transferred to u on friday?

    ive got it.. check 1st page.

    ive got 350 from everyone.. except fudge..

    im just waiting for the seller to reply.. then i will be paying them..

    so far i got $angelo$ and piccolo's address and name

    and only ck [03.14]'s address... name???

    hey fudge.. send me ur address and name.

    thx guys!

    btw... the price.. should be $34x... MOST LIKELY $345. if it drops lower tomorrow.. $340 probably :)

    cant give u guys the exact price yet.. coz i still dont know how the stupid paypal works

  2. btw... i doubt it will drop to 336 within this month...

    so.. if u guys dont mind.. can u send the other $14?

    this way i can place the order this week...

    once snyper's, davi & CK's money is in my acc

    i will be paying them early next week.. which WILL be monday or tuesday.

    and if its $336 on Tuesday (i doubt it).. i will be giving back the $14 back.. OK?

    sorry for the trouble

  3. alright... will do tonight..

    fudge is ok with it.. then.. snyper??

    ur ok?

    yeh i am fine with that

    do u wanna pm me ur bank details soon? so i can transfer it over before i leave work

    PM sent!

    just to let u know..

    after I have paid the seller.. it should take around 3 weeks to arrive aus..

    after all the payments have cleared.. i will start paying him...

  4. stuff daniel2inspire.. i hate when stuff like this happens..

    the post is around $26.. coz last time.. i organised it for 1 pair..

    but its within the same state..


    i dunno if it will cost more for interstate tho..

    u guys can share the post...

    ANYWAY.. if u're interested and fudge has no problem with it... then i can send u my bank details when i get home... and u get pair up with fudge.. and it should be sent to him.. since u're joining him..


    the ozzy went up.. but the fricken paypal takes AGES to update their ER!!! fuk!

    but anyway.. it seems its just below $350!

    btw.. who hasnt paid yet?

  5. updated 1st post! who paid and how much

    wheres is........

    daniel 2inspire - (Gold Coast) QLD

    r u still in man?? i havent heard from u...

    every1 else has paid or pmd me about the money...

    if ur not in.. the 3rd pair wont work out...

    i think i did mention.. i need 8 buyers for $336 each... right?

  6. im pretty confident that it will drop below or equal to 350 by the end of this week.

    But... not sure if it will drop to $336. sigh...

    Anyway... if you guys r fine with $350. then you can deposit $350 now, and if it dropped to $336 by the time i pay (which is Friday), i can refund the $14 to u guys.

    But if its still above 336 on Friday.. i will have to get you guys to pay me the adj before i can order it. Which may drag for couple of days

  7. PICCOLO - (Mudgee) NSW

    Simo - (QBN) ACT

    ck[03.14] - (???) NSW

    daviboy - (North Ryde) NSW

    Fudgebottom - (South Brisbane) QLD

    daniel 2inspire - (Gold Coast) QLD


    channy 1210 - (PERTH) WA

    I think TRDYUS dropped out.

    Its more like $35x-356. But it seems that the price is dropping gradually.

    Lets do it this way. I will send out my Bank details now. Send me $336 asap.

    This way, I can use pay them right away once the ER is good.


    I will need the $$$$$$ by Friday (for daviboy)

  8. omg.. aussie $$ fell man!!

    it cost sooo much! we shall wait a bit and see how it goes 1st...

    by the look of it.. its at least an extra $20 AUD atm!!! fuk!!! :s

    lets wait and see..

    hope it will go up a bit.. by next week!

  9. Count me in for the Genuine Foggies for $210.

    Kcorro, please PM me and we'll organise the monetary side of things.

    p.s. pics no loadie unless you are a registered OWF member.

    hey man.. go register it.. and put ur name down there...

    we got 4 already

    he doesnt check here that often..

  10. hey man..

    just go visit the site..

    he (Marcus... kcorro in TOCAU and orrock in OWF) posted a pic already..

    hes the one who is organising..

    never heard from Rolla...

    and these are Esuse.. i think..

    for genuine.. hmm id like to know too.. but maybe hes ordering directly from Japan/Taiwan Toyota..

    every1 knows that Toyota AUS are crazy....

    a lot of other countries sells genuine toyota parts for a lot cheaper...

    you can pay him..... go there sign up.. then tell him u r in.. then he'll send you his bank details...


    if you're worried.. transfer the money to me.. then i can pay the whole lot to Marcus.

    hurry hurry hurry

  11. yeah ill overnight post it to simo as soon as i get them . Im in Mudgee NSW 2.5 - 3 hours west of sydney

    you're cool with the post???

    and for fudgebottom..

    the post for local is around $24AUD i think..

    not much if u 2 share...

    im not gonna do that thing.. like getting you guys to all chip in another $4.. for other's local post....

    too much trouble....

    ok.. now that we have 3 pairs. and 1 NSW guy left over..

    i'll send you my bank details (ANZ) during the weekend.. so you can transfer the money into my account.


  12. Well I'm pairing up with simo and were ready to pay as soon as we get the bank details

    wait a sec....

    he lives in ACT.. where do u live man?!?! ur gonna deliver it?

    if its yes..

    then we have 8!

    4 from NSW...... including SIMO from ACT

    2 from WA

    2 from QLD ..... errrrrrm.. Gold Coast and South Bris??.. how is that gonna work out??

    if u 2 QLDer r ok..... then.. we can start.. REPLY ASAP!

    i'll contact the supplier now!

  13. omg!! 144! so tempted but wonder if it need "special" skills to install it.. i really dont wanna pay anymore for someone else to do it and neither do i wanna stuff it up but again im not an electrical eng :P

    hey man!

    even if u buy it from ozeparts... for like $210.. its NOT PLUG AND PLAY!

    this is $144. and it still might not fit... AS IN... not plug and play..

    but i can pay the $66 to some electrican to fix it up for me!

    im IN!

    WHOS IN!!! lucida and i really wants this ASAP!

    we just need 6 BUYERS!!! COME ON!

  14. alright..

    i'll start collecting money by the end of this week..

    and guys!

    PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES!! copy below and add ur name if ur in!

    PICCOLO - (Mudgee) NSW

    ck[03.14] - (???) NSW

    TRDYUS - (???) NSW

    Fudgebottom - (South Brisbane) QLD

    daniel 2inspire - (Gold Coast) QLD


    channy 1210 - (PERTH) WA

    Simo - (QBN) ACT

    so far theres 8! but scattered around AUS..

    i will start collecting money by the end of this week! so.. make up ur mind!

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