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Posts posted by XploShun

  1. why don't u get them from SA where they only $150ish . ESUSE is the brand from toyota. they non genuine but fit snug look at lukas' car aka rolla.

    this is his car

    does it include wires and stuff???

    coz ive heard.. form some wreckers.. including wires.. it $200.

    SA? how can i get them!

  2. i think... we've got a problem TSV..

    i measured the box and the seller told me weight of the intake. 22lbs per pair so each intake + box should be 11lbs which is under 4.98kg.

    townsville's postcode is 4810, right?

    i tried estimate the postage.. using auspost.com.au

    it says the "The dimensions submitted exceed the maximum dimensions for parcels of 105cm in length and 140cm girth."

    so i couldnt get a quote...

    i think they will post it but it might a little extra.

    so.. if its a little over.. you'll have to pay for it.. is it ok?

    i'll go check it out with my local PO...

    the size of the box is..

    57cm x 23cm x 53cm.

    The dimensions part is optional. I did a calculation using 2000 as sending and 4814 as recieving with 5kg weight and got $17.20 for normal, 50 something for express. So to here from Brisbane should be almost half that?

    yeh but i highly doubt that... coz i tried to put the MAX in the dimension part (like 50cm x 20cm x 50cm) which is still smaller than the box.. and it turned out to be $3x. its calculated by PER KG...

    parcel within the state and outside the state are the same.. so. it wont be half.

    left over postage i guess its my commission.. hehehe.. but i doubt there will be left overs... :(

    anyway.. i will have to check it with my local PO.. and see what she says...

  3. updated on PAGE 1.

    qkslvr said he'll pay me on friday. i will tell the seller to go on with the order..

    will pay the 1st pair a little later.. but dun worry.. he will order magic's and qkslvr's as well...

    ok.. now that i got the money...

    need you guys to decide where the cai is going...

    just send me 1 PM for each pair (my inbox is nearly FULL)... need address & NAME.

    natz.. can you send it to me again (i accidentally deleted ur PM :P sorry)... including ur phone number (mobile&home)?

    svk.. u went to the bank, right? coz.. again.. no ref if u did it at the front office

    anyway.. any1 wanna join oVo???

  4. i think... we've got a problem TSV..

    i measured the box and the seller told me weight of the intake. 22lbs per pair so each intake + box should be 11lbs which is under 4.98kg.

    townsville's postcode is 4810, right?

    i tried estimate the postage.. using auspost.com.au

    it says the "The dimensions submitted exceed the maximum dimensions for parcels of 105cm in length and 140cm girth."

    so i couldnt get a quote...

    i think they will post it but it might a little extra.

    so.. if its a little over.. you'll have to pay for it.. is it ok?

    i'll go check it out with my local PO...

    the size of the box is..

    57cm x 23cm x 53cm.

  5. hmmm

    might as well ask this..

    wts the part number??? any1 know?? LiMz?

    Part Number 33530-ZE200

    is that the right part number??

    can any1 confirm??

    coz the seller said.. it not a "good" part number.. wtf is a "good" part number??

    will it mean something else in the US??

    any1 know?

  6. ok!

    i got the money for 2 intakes in my westpac account.. both at front office.. i assume 1 is eric, and the other.. i dunno, is it TSV???

    theres nothing in my HSBC so far, so it should show up tomorrow.

    any takers from melbourne? join oVo!

    I put mine in at the branch this morning so i would say yes the second is mine. Didn't the teller put the name on the deposit? <_<

    yeh! thats y i prefer doing transfers on the net!

  7. ok!

    i got the money for 2 intakes in my westpac account.. both at front office.. i assume 1 is eric, and the other.. i dunno, is it TSV???

    theres nothing in my HSBC so far, so it should show up tomorrow.

    any takers from melbourne? join oVo!

  8. yeh i know u transferred it on friday, but the money wont be in my acc until mon or tues, thats y its pending..

    JiN... just PMd me.. hes out of this gb.. so oVo.... wt can we do man?? did u PM the Sydney guys??? can ANYONE join him???

    qkslvr... ur inbox is full.. empty it.. so i can pm my bank details

  9. XploShun your inbox is teh full!

    Anyway I've transferred the $$.


    yeh man! i deleted some.. u guys can PM me now

    discount! i asked him already.. he said hes nearly selling it at a cost.... wt a load of BS (o well, wt can i say)... last time, we were going to get it for like $360, or just below.. but suddenly he gave me a further discount when i say 8.. at 1st i thought he did a typo. hahahahah

    but anyway..

    i'll email him again... and see what he says again...

    this time.. we've confirmed that we're getting 10.

    and some of u asked me about the shipment.

    ok., its gonna be like this. i doubt that he'll have 10 intakes in stock, so he'll probably order it and he said it will take only a few days. So lets say 4 working days.

    shipping from USA to AUS will take 10 working days MAX (NOT EXPRESS).

    Total will probably take 15 working days after I pay him. Will pay him by the end of this coming week.

    So you guys will probably get it late mid next month. and longer for TSVRolla, coz natz is gonna post it to him.

    Natz, i will need ur bank details later, once i can estimate the shipping to Townsville, I will transfer the amount to you.

    errrm.. what else have a left out??

  10. hey buddy...

    i know its too late but if you are thinking of having another gb's for trd cai, im in...

    im from melb...

    but if its not too late and i still have a chance, :spiteful:

    maybe a could pair off with ovo and then tell me what i need to do...

    thanks mate.. :clap:


    oVo... do u still want it?

    PLEASE reply me asap.... i'll send u my bank details.. once u guys have confirmed...

    oVo & JiN?

    fuk it! i'll send u my bank details anyway... deposit $340 and then theres the 5th Pair.

    wow!! we're getting 10.. hopefully.. there wont be a 3rd GB.. hahaha

  11. hey Xploshun, just payed you my money, all done, im guessing soon we will send you a pm saying where to post for each pair etc...and also whether it is standard post so somoone needs to be home or get it to somewhere where someone is all day, and if noone is there you get the slip to go to your nearest post office and pick up :) cheeers mate

    i didnt get my cai sent to my address but from ppl like oncy and other ppl from 1st gb

    they'll just leave a slip.. and you can go to the PO and pick it up, i think.

  12. lolz ah ****...

    hey guys...ummm is it too late for me to join this GB? :spiteful:

    i know i'm a bit late...lolz n i can see the trouble this may cause lolz...

    let me no xp :)

    hey oVo, try PM SPRTVO(NSW) or daviboy(NSW), if 1 of them is getting theirs, u can pair up with them, but i'll have to post them to you hence... u have to pay the postage.

    and now that we ALL agreed to pay a few extra $$$ for TSVRolla... there will be 8 PAIRS so far... excluding oVo, SPRTVO, daviboy....

    the seller havent replied me about the weight of the CAI..... anyway.. to get it start rolling...

    just pay me $340 now, $4 for TSVRolla postage...

    as for oVo's... man.. i dunno, we'll figure it out when you can pair up with someone... ok?

    BTW.. IF any1 of you are depositing money at branch... let me know.. coz im with HSBC.. they're not everywhere.. i'll give u another bank detail.. my gf's AGAIN... PLEASE PM ME ABOUT IT!

    man.. id really like a TRD short shifter... but.. dunno where i can organise it.. maybe i can try ask my seller..

    OK HERES THE FINAL 2nd GB LIST... $340AUD, will close by SUNDAY night!

    1st Pair:

    qkslvr - Fairfield (NSW)

    magic - Douglas Park (NSW) (Pending)

    2nd Pair:

    SexOnWheels - Springvale (VIC)

    jaderd - Greensborough (VIC) (Pending)

    3rd Pair:

    eric - Taylors Lakes (VIC)

    svk - Deer Park (VIC)

    4th Pair:

    natz - South Brisbane (QLD)

    TSVRolla - Townsville (QLD)

    Waiting LIST:

    oVo - Melbourne (VIC)

    JiN... - Melbourne (VIC)

    The "are you in?" list:

    SPRTVO - (NSW)

    daviboy - (NSW)

    neK - (NSW)

    cheeky_age - (NSW)

    oVo, PM them

    will be sending bank details to the 4 pairs this afternoon... have to go out now!!

  13. i pmd TSVRolla

    u guys can also PM others! coz im pretty busy at the moment....

    bomb them!!! :P

    btw.. are you guys ok with the price.

    336 for 8 and above

    348 for 6 and below

    he answered me.. he said he wont be able to send them in 3s or 1s.

  14. Yo xploshun, who can help me install one?

    And does anyone who drives an auto have a CAI installed?


    i have an auto ascent .. n trust me when i say this .. but my tank only does 300kms :( coz i love the sound i revit hard lOL so yeh ... if ur an auto guys... u wont do good in petrol unless u can control ur " urge "

    LOL !!!

    phoboi does!

    install? saw oncy did it once and i sorta remember how... but man... dont wanna risk it! ask the other syd guys buying in this GB.

  15. ok! the seller replied me last night

    he said, if we can get 4 pairs AGAIN, he can sell it to us for $336 AUD (1st GB price).

    anything below 4 pairs, it will cost $348 AUD.

    so yeh, if you guys can get 4 pairs or above, it will be great.

    im thinking, if theres only 3 pairs... lets help the QLDer to get theirs to make up the 4th pair (coz daviboy & sprtvo.. where the heck are they?!)

    Everyone can chip in an extra $2-4 and ask natz to post the cai to TSVROLLA... then all of u can save like.. wt.. errrm.. min. $8 AUD... thats just my suggestion...

    ANYWAY, heres the list.

    1st Pair:

    qkslvr - Fairfield (NSW)

    magic - Douglas Park (NSW)

    2nd Pair:

    SexOnWheels - Springvale (VIC)

    jaderd - Greensborough (VIC)

    3rd Pair:

    eric - Taylors Lakes (VIC)

    svk - Deer Park (VIC)

    4th Pair:

    natz - South Brisbane (QLD)

    TSVRolla - Townsville (QLD) (are you in???)

    and the other 2, SPRTVO & daviboy.... are you guys in???

  16. thx jaderd

    i'll ask the seller later if hes able to to send them in 3s.. or give us a smaller discount per intake...

    i can always post it to u guys.... will ask him.. how heavy for 1 intake.. then i can estimate the LOCAL postage.

    eg.. for the QLDer.. since u guys live soooo far away from each other..

    i guess it will be better for u guys to post it......

    like get it sent to bris then.. natz can post it to townsville..you guys can share the cost... will probably cost $10 each.

    btw... i need you guys to make up ur mind by.. this FRIDAY!!! will give u the FINAL PRICE and ACCOUNT details by the weekend. MUST PAY BEFORE MONDAY NIGHT (if internet banking)!

    then i'll probably get the $$ by Wednesday.. and pay him soon.

    so.. whos in who out.. LET ME KNOW PLZ...

  17. ok heres the list so far


    1st Pair to magic

    qkslvr - Fairfield

    magic - Douglas Park

    SPRTVO - ???

    daviboy - North Shore

    are you guys in for sure?? SPRTVO & daviboy? daviboy still in the MAYBE GB??? and SPRTVO.. you still here man????

    neK and cheeky_age???


    eric - Taylors Lakes

    SexOnWheels - Springvale

    jaderd - Greensborough

    jaderd if theres 1 more buyer from Vic.. then theres no prob.. if not, guess u have to pair up with someone in NSW, and i can get it sent to you. or maybe the buyer can send it in 3s. Just worry if in 3s then theres tax & duty on it. we'll see.


    natz - South Brisbane

    TSVRolla - Townsville

    same applies to you TSVRolla and natz. unless 1 of u dont mind driving 1000k to pick up the cai. TSV, do you go to Bris often? maybe u can get ur friend/ur to pick it up the cai or something.

    thats it... fuk.. its sooo annoying checking out the pages.. and putting names down..

    if i left out someone.. let me know..

    btw.. anyone wanna join the foggies GB? :) i want 1 bad!!!

  18. sorry for the delay.. ive just finished my last exam... sigh.. it was bad :(

    anyway... i think we have 3 buyers from melbourne..

    2 from QLD

    and.. some from Sydney...

    to neK my friend :):

    ... reason y they can reach 700k bcoz they drive a stivo.. they have a bigger tank...

    n too be honest.. fuel consumption ay... errrmm.. i used to get like at least 500k a tank.. with catback muff and headers. 550k without any mod (thats when i 1st started driving a manual)

    but after my rear accident.. i realised it dropped.. somewhere around 420k.. dont know why.. but its true..

    after i got my cai... today.. it flashed (NO FUEL on a Wed!! FUK!!!) and i had like 460k... main reason is probabily i went to the meet.. and we drove up highway to penrith so i guess that helped a bit.

    and oncy told me b4.. cai will help if you're driving highways and stuff.. but worst on busy traffic.. seems to be true...

    and btw.. its my 1st tank after my cai.. so.. as phoboi said... the urge man! hahahhaha revin' it whenever i get the chance.... :P

    and im still getting 460k.. so its ok i guess...

    ok now i have to start organising the list...

    man!!! told u guys to organise the pair and stuff urself... just like magic!!!

    and i think someone asked for a pic of the trd cai.. b4 installed

    check out trdsales.com (something like that, just google the website)..... they have the pic there..

    wait up.. im organising the group now....

    will be updated by tonight.. :)

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