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Get Funke

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Posts posted by Get Funke

  1. haha!!!!!!

    i've only read the first one so far but it's gold.

    will get the others later.

    anyways, i remember reading that someone got out of a ticket by saying


    chucks a massive wet one that he held in for a while

    "Go man! go!" - cop

    i read it on mydadisfob.com but it seems real.

  2. I heard about the fine strike on Oz****a.com but i didn't think it would still be on til now.

    I thought it was only going for a week.

    Anyways, treatment for P-platers by most drivers on the road is fricken *****.

    As i remember someone else saying some where: if i speed they give me dirties etc, if i drive too slow (keep at the limit) they tailgate me and give me dirties.

    Gah, another pet peeve is when people overtake and speed and go about saying we're all bad drivers...

    btw, i don't speed as i can't afford to lose my licence and get fined.

    EDIT: forgot about the actual topic.

    Well, i myself have never encountered a bad cop before but it's pretty darn obvious that that cop was being totally unreasonable.

  3. haha

    after reading

    addy: "sex on wheels wonder wot it would look like with an intercooler ...hint hint"

    and scrolling down to see the GTR i was like woah...

    is that what you think a camry looks like with an intercooler? :P

    well, obviously not but that was the first thing that came to mind as i saw that picture XD

  4. o0o0o

    that was your sportivo.

    It was a beautiful car, your sportivo...

    But this is a worthy replacement =p

    i-vtec ftw?

    Man, your car is looking good.

    Great stuff man.

    The new wheels are hot.

  5. I wanted Funke because i use it for other forums but it was taken so i chose Get Funke which is what i have on the back of my Year 12 jersey this year.

    The name began as Funky-E because i'm into funkstyle dances (e.g. popping) and then i just shortened it to Funke.

    Oh yeah, the E stands for my name: Edward.

  6. hmmm... in my opinion, i think the holdens are looking better now.

    They look very mean XD

    LOL @ the first one in 1stkill's post!

    looks like a massive pile of vomit...

    and lol at the purple batmobil, good effort though.

  7. nice work nate

    it's subtle and looks very realistic. For some reason, the wheels look more realistic than the stock ones.


    Does anyone else think the front looks a bit like an EK civic?

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