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Get Funke

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Posts posted by Get Funke

  1. Spotted a black preface lift ZZE on Cumberland Highway (at the Cab Rd intersection), being the noob i am i was full eye balling it as it was next me at the lights. Had C-One badges, grill and eye lids. <-- at about 11:15am

    Spotted another black ZZE on the way home in front of Heckenberg Public. Couldn't really spot much besides the green p-plate and what i think is a c-one wing since we were driving in opposite direction. <-- at about 11:25?

  2. That's probably true as i have only seen a few episodes

    well, i found a few of the first season when i was at my library

    and my friend gave me some of battle stage four i think.

    is that what it's called?

    haha, what was funny was how much Initial D had changed from the first season to stage 4.

    As in the quality of the graphics and all.

    yeah, i should have just said that another factor as to why he didn't speak much may be...*insert previous post* =p

  3. i bought the movie and like it =p yet i don't know what has happened to it... a friend borrowed it and i don't know who has it now..


    i think there is minimal dialogue from jay chou as jay chou is taiwanese and can't speak canto i think.

    Well that's what a friend told me and due to that i think they dubbed it or something.

  4. Ohk, thanks for the heads up DJKOR

    First thing i think i want to do is get eye lids (i read that eye lids are illegal though)

    i saw it on the ZZE potential thread and fell in love



    Anyone have anymore info on them?

    I tried doing a bit of research and i found some that a member here did a bulk order from C-ONE and is selling them for 160.

    Are those one's C-ONE eye lids? If so then i gotta start saving XD

    Just noticed that i'm supposed to put where i'm from - Liverpool, Sydney.

  5. Reliability was the first reason why my mum sold her 307 + vault chrome wheels for 10k to get a corolla

    The servicing for the Peugeot was just ridiculous as you had to go to the Peugeot mechanic to get it serviced otherwise other mechanics would take forever to deal with it as they didn't know how to.

    the servicing would usually be near 1k as there would usually be a problem with it but for the corolla you all know it's much cheaper.

    Really loved the 307 though =p It was a really nice car.

    Can't really say much about a corolla that's gone over 200k but i know my sister's Rav4 went over 200k and i found it drove well.

    Sorry for going a bit off topic, was just reminiscing my mum's old 307. ahaha

  6. Thanks for the welcome corhijas and 1rocky

    Yeah, i don't think i will do much to my mum's car.

    Probably just the basic CAI and some exterior changes.

    Won't be happening anytime soon though =p gotta get me some money haha.

    Just a quick question, so anything you do to the car is a defect yeah? but if a mechanic/engineer or whatever does it then it's all good? my brother keeps getting annoyed when i ask him. lol

  7. Hey guy, well i'm 17 and i just got my P's about a month ago so i've been driving my mum's corolla a fair bit.

    It's a stock early '07 automatic =[ Ascent so it's the ZZE [actually prefer the ZZE over the ZRE] model still.

    Don't really know what else to say.

    Well, i really like sneakers and as a result, i'm a bit into clothes.

    I really like to pop but i find it really hard to improve as i sort of taught myself from admiring others in videos on youtube =p

    yet after my HSC i will probably train with others and actually get into the scene.

    Currently doing my HSC this year and after it i plan to do a few mod's to my mum's car.

    I don't think it'll be necessary for me to buy my own car as my mum doesn't drive too much and later i might be able to drive my borther's car [Honda Civic EG Vti, yeah yeah... it's not a corolla but it was really cheap =p. He's also become fond of stivo's as well though and he says he'll probably get one later on as it'll be a good daily drive] when i get my greens.

    I was also keen on the idea of trading in my mum's car in the future for a sportivo but my mum can't drive a manual so it's a bit pointless.

    At the moment, i won't be that active on the forums as i should be studying =p - trials are very soon...

    Hope to have a nice stay here =]

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