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Posts posted by .gorgz

  1. Yeah you can, just use photobucket to upload them then copy the link into your post.. should look something like this

    {IMG}image link here{/IMG}

    just remember replace the {} brackets with box brackets

    I couldn't use box brackets coz it thought I was posting an image :P

  2. haha this must be a thread for all the coming up summer hot days and for those people making trips to the beaches 2 hours away from their place, whom can enjoy a comfy ride thanks to air con..

    Thank you air con, you make driving around in the heat much better than staying in a heated home trying to peal your bare back off your leather couch :D

  3. wow huge generalisations here....

    everyone is different.

    culture is culture... and asians do have their own style of life as do lebs, jewish, african, european people.... and so on, and so forth.

    i just want everyone from this point in when discussing this topic to think very carefully about what they are writing.

    we do not condone any racism on here, and we have come close, so please think carefully about the way you word your "likes and dislikes" about any specific race.

    I agree

  4. reow, daryl ;) think its getting hot in here!

    //no homo

    Filo's have this magic where they can take anything.. and I mean anything and turn it into something awesome to eat.. I love Filo food probably more than brian88's friends love Asain Girlfriends (Come on guys, change the title.. it is quite irritating)

    Only thing about my food i dont like, is the balut;


    (yes we eat it, but i dont)

    and dinuguan (which translates to blood. dinugu = blood/bleed)

    but anyway, back to asian girlfriends

    never...everr....cheat on an asian girlfriend...


    lol okay, maybe i dont like Filo food as much now.............. ewwwww :(

  5. filipinas :wub: :wub:


    ... Half-filo's. Tend to be hotter for some reason.

    my best mate, cousin is filo, she is really nice, gorguz, best family, mum loves me, cuddles me and always asks me if i have a gf! i call her tita cause thats auntie apperntly in filo so its my best mates auntie so i call her auntie aswell :) nice girls i must say, but she too young lol, good food too :)

    Filo's have this magic where they can take anything.. and I mean anything and turn it into something awesome to eat.. I love Filo food probably more than brian88's friends love Asain Girlfriends (Come on guys, change the title.. it is quite irritating)

  6. I can't imagine your missus going agro at all, no matter how much I annoy her :lol:

    She's pretty much Aussie :P

    Be careful what you wish for :P

    (refer to your previous comments about Aussies)

    Luckily shes an Aussie with an Asian body :lol:

    LOL good save :lol:

  7. Right, I thought I'd show everyone a few things that have made me laugh like crazy, coz laughter is the best medicine.

    So use this thread to post things you've seen that have made you laugh till you squel like a little girl.

    Seeming as I've got first post I'll start with one that almost made me wet my pants :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  8. Just wan to know why do all My Aussie born male friends want to go out with a cute asain girl??

    Tell your friends to go to Thailand.. They'll think twice before chatting up an Asian girl when they get back :lol:

  9. awesome vid of the playstation 3 carnage....main reason i dont get one is cos i think i would become fair into it....although i have a short attention span i think a PS3 would suck me in

    lol If that was my girl, I think the last place I'd be is playing PS3 :lol:

  10. some douche bag with a fake tan, gold chain and bum bag on a 95 degree angle listening to music of their ****ty mobiles without headfones on the trains... I want to punch him sooo much :(

    If you don't recieve a reply with in the next few days, its coz i've been locked up for beating this muzza's brains all over the train

  11. You miss spelt 'Asian' <_<

    BTW if your friends ever see a p#ssed off Asian girl, they'd be pretty quick to GTFO of there, trust me..

    My ex is Malay, lord have mercy on my soul when she go p#ssed off..

    But yeah, I'm not one for preferences.. I usually wait till I'm approached, and my ex happened to approach me at that time..

    I wouldn't be suprised if your friends are obsessed with Latina's too :P

  12. Sorry about that, and thanks :)

    Edited. BTW jdmwhore, you put the contents after the '=' sign into the youtube tag.
    I know its old, but it still gets me laughing everytime lol :lol:

    Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!

  13. Hey Guys,

    Had a little issue with the stock CD Player, seems that it won't take any of my CD's at all?

    I know that there isn't a CD sitting in there, although if it is it won't eject it either :angry:

    Don't know, its giving me the absolute sh!ts and I'm ready to put the screw driver to it and just replace the whole thing..

    Any advice on what might be causing it and how I might be able to fix it with out using a hammer <_<

    Thanks All

    [edit] - It's the stock head unit from an '03 Corolla Sportivo, I plan on getting rid of it.. but in the mean time i need a CD player because they only play sh!t on radio

  14. We all have something that grinds our gears right?

    Somethings more than others... thought I'd start a little thread to see what really p#sses some of you guys right off, as I'm kinda feeling like I'm in the business of p#ssing people off... I guess seeming as I've started this I'll have to add my 2 cents first... so here goes a few of mine...

    When your sitting on a completely empty carrage of a train and some douche bag decides its okay to sit right next to or across from you.

    When someone that owns a cat or dog and you ask them what it's name is and they just shrug and say cat/dog?

    When I see some douche bag driving a GTS-T or a GTS Skyline with GT-R badging <_<

    When my brother cracks the same joke at the ATM when withdrawing cash where he'd scream out 'I WIN, I WIN!!' as the money comes out (It's actually your cash, moron <_< )

    That's just my few but I have many more... I think this would be a good way to see what everyone has in common :P

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