Thanks guys, the 200 doesn't actually "feel" as quick as the MPS due to it having a 5 speed and laggy turbo. ALso prob down on torque compared to the MPS, which we all know makes a car feel quick. But the 200 is putting down a safe 185rwkw (approx 230kw at fly) so it goes alright. Strawberryface - you MUST have seen an Aurora Blue Mazda 3 MPS parked at the base level of the multi-storey, it has MPS stickers all over it and i think i have seen your Stivo on quite a few occassions, if the white one with an exhaust mod is yours? ;) Car was stolen from Banks St. though, next to the platform. I sometimes do arvo shifts so the multi-storey would be full. Hey mate i definitely do remember it, and even my old man says he does. Yer the white stivo is mine :-) Now i know why i haven't seen it lately...such a shame, it was a really nice car too. GL with your 200 though!!