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Everything posted by hanofee

  1. Thats a good question hanofee,I,d be inclined to make a few enquiries regarding that because if that belt breaks and those pistons do smack the ars* of those valves (leave the rest up to your imagination).One thing I do know is that when my brother replaced the timing belt on his RAV4 it wasnt much more to get the whole kit which like you said contains a new waterpump.155kms thats almost 100,000 miles in the old money,for peace of mind put a new pump and belt on, as its sure to let you down at the worst possible time That's what other information said, that only interference engine will cause the pistons to hit the valves in case of timing belt broken. If it's not interference, it will just stop working without doing any damage (that's more or less how I understood from google :)))... it's not that I don't want to replace it, but I'm wondering if I can wait another month or 2, when I have more time to bring it to my mechanics. I don't use this car that much, just to go to the station daily (about 1.5 km roundtrip).
  2. Hi, I'm new here, just getting a 2002 Toyota Avalon Grande which I'm so far quite happy. Used to own an old Camry before. So, hope can learn and share experience here.
  3. Hi, I just bought a used 2002 Avalon at 155K without knowing if the timing belt has been replaced or not (most possibly not yet). Toyota dealer said, it should be done at 150K. My question is more: Is the 2002 Avalon has interference engine or not? Some page on google said that Avalon doesn't have interference engine, thus, snapping timing belt won't have any effect on the engine (rather the inconvenient that I need to get it towed-away). Is that true? Or shall I just replace it anyway? Also, if I have to replace it, will it be better to replace the waterpump as well (as for most car, it might be more economical sense to do both at once, rather than waiting the pump to break)? Thanks heaps.
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