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Posts posted by KIRIUS

  1. Definately, what do you want for it? :rolleyes:

    Well it cost me $350, but since i installed it already (the motor never ran though, so its never actually done anything) how does $250 sound for the clutch + throwout bearing.

    Sounds good to me. :)

    i'll have to get ahold of you when i get back to bris sometime in the next week to organise pick up.

    Thanks heaps. ^_^

  2. Was a quiet site until now :D well i enjoyed the read anyway, and again welcome...

    we also have the same interests :lol::ph34r:

    how'd you go running from the mods, lol? :clap:

    ah no good, I should've had a plan :lol:

    :D hehehe, so what kinda stuff do you have in store for your auris?

    Cos i'm vain it's mainly cosmetic mods,exhaust soon i hope and more wheels,the least I could do is make it look fast :D


    jaw hits ground

    NO WAY!!

    haha same! i just ordered a custom sticker off ebay to say....> least mine "looks" faster.


    your right we do have similar interests, i dont understand too well why everyone is so against custom kits and wheels etc.

    think bodykits are the bomb ;)

  3. Ah, and for the record i won a bottle of king james champagne when i was 6 for balancing an egg on a spoon taped to the tank of a dirt bike and going around the owners house 4 times. :toast:

    only reason i remembered that best is cause that was the worst grog ive ever tasted. :ph34r:

  4. When i was a little tacker i entered a "Cartoon Connection" mail in comp... I won a "Moss Man" He-Man figure!! Awesome!! Pine scented and all...

    but thats it, nothing more.....

    I know something you "lost" or didnt win recently John... :(

    are you talking about AGGRO's cartoon connection!? the thing that looked like a pedephilic brown version of the grouche (sesame street) and was the shiz before cheez tv.. 0.o?

  5. just saying u might run into some hostility with the amount of ego ur currently portraying... like i said, no offence - just giving a friendly reminder so u don't wonder why people may not be warming to you as quickly as you may have hoped...

    i like the concept picture of ur car u put up too... i'm assuming thats what u want it to look like right? lol i suck at photoshop...

    hehe, yeah ^_^

    :S wow, okay then shall edit, totally dove in too deep in here i spose, its a pretty quiet site too. :whistling:

    thanks for the advice :D

  6. Haha, where abouts? :yahoo:

    0.0 how did you break your celica?

    LOL it's always broken, then unbroken, then broken, it's now been unbroken for and extended period, so I'm getting worried.

    It's at Spring Hill.


    Sad to hear :(

    hands you a spanna and encourages you to fix it again!


    Spring hill every thurs sounds like fun, but ill raincheck this week due to car issues aswell -.-

  7. hahahaha, i've been on here for a day and seen mick in almost every dudes topics and your usually somewhere behind him xD

    taking advice from either of you sounds like a good call to me, wait is that how he "broke" his st185 o.0?

    • Like 1
  8. So ive googled for the last 20 minutes, found a bunch of celica clubs but all seem to be at least a year since they were last updated, or even visited, theres meets on some still posted as this weekend from 2010..

    I like cruising and meeting up with other drivers, celicas especially, but have never been a part of a club and am interested in getting out there, anyone got some info / links they could share about some current, functioning, regularly updated clubs around the brisbane area?

  9. This is very helpful!

    I thought turboing the 5sfe was out of my league and waste of money modifying(i've had alot of non celica fans tell me a tonne of bad info.) but after reading this i think i will skip the 3sgte conversion and try my luck over the next yr with the ct26 set up you have mentioned here. :D


    ah question.

    There a considerable difference between the 3 5sfte's in reference to how much it cost each of you?

    • Like 1
  10. i live in heavy road works area and if its not a dusty interior thats annoying its definately tar spots like what you've got, as these guys stated bug and tar remover does wonders and a good wax usually means i dont have to redo it every month. ;)

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