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Everything posted by Mudcake

  1. ah ok, learn something new every day.. just out of curiosity how far do the low kings lower the body?
  2. OMG those rims are sexy! but i can't afford them lol. fml. good luck with the sale and free bump!
  3. I wouldn't go any bigger than 18"x7.5 with 225/40/18" tyres.
  4. If you want more power I highly recommend the BEAMS 3S-GE (200hp naturally aspirated). Or if you're keen on a 'flutter' (turbo) get a 3S-GTE from a 3rd gen Celica ST205. Both require minimal work and almost bold straight in... altho a brake upgrade would certainly be necessary as you'll want to be able to stop lol. Just do a Google search for more info on either one.. Or a youtube search is even better if you wanna check out how they sound. My favorite is the BEAMS 3S-GE, it sounds awesome! All the best. ** Actually here's a video of the beams to save you the trouble of youtube-ing it :)
  5. damn. ok thanks heaps for the heads up aye, do either of you know of a shop that custom makes these sorts of headlights for RHD? i was hoping the website 'carmate' had them as they're the norm for finding aftermarket mods here but they don't seem to have any :( By the way STYLSH, what are the specs of those rims and tyres on that ride in your sig?
  6. Hey guys, I've had a browse through all the topics but haven't come across the answer I'm looking for.. so here goes.. I want to upgrade my headlights to 'Black Diamond' aftermarket headlights that I found on ebay that can be imported from the USA.. I asked the seller if they would fit the australian model Csi and he said he wasn't sure because they haven't sold any to Australia and the aussie model might have different headlight dimensions. So, does anybody know if they will fit in the australian version of the 1999 Toyota Camry Csi (Manual 2.2L 4cyl)? Or a better question would be Is the USA model different to the Australian model? ..If you see what I'm getting at and know the answer or know of a website where I can read about the dimension differences (if any) between the 2 countries' models please link it in your reply post. I'm pretty sure they will fit as they look very similar but I really need to be 100% on this before I spend $300 (for the set inc. postage) to get them here. Here's the ad: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/97-99-Toyota-Camry-BLACK-Diamond-Headlights-Corners-/310314663268?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item484031fd64 I appreciate the help & hope for a hasty response. Cheers, Mudcake.
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