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Everything posted by lostdelirium

  1. Not 100% sure about the candle wax myth. But nah, the rattle I get is like rolling a marble around a milo tin. As I said, pop the bonnet next time you start it and just listen to where the sound is coming from. Don't put your fingers into belts though.
  2. Rain-X tends to do an awesome job of giving the windows a coating that water isn't suppose to "stick" to. I wipe my windows down with windex and newspaper, let it dry, then put on the rain x, let it dry, then wipe it off with a dry cloth. Seems to work amazingly.
  3. Looks awesome! Definitely one of the cleanest looking Sportivo's I've seen. Nice work! Cant wait to see what else you're gonna do.
  4. Hey Andy, I could be WAY off this this guess, but are you 100% sure you're getting the rattling from the gearbox? I get an awful rattle in the engine bay of my 1998 Celica when she starts up cold which actually comes from the timing belt. Maybe duck your head around inside your engine bay to double check? Also, I believe these model Celica can be prone to some top end engine rattling due to low oil pressure. Something to keep in mind too. I'm in Adelaide too btw. Hope that helps.
  5. It's nice to finally see some tasteful Celica mods. Absolutely loving the JDM tail lights and the pods you've added to the front and rear. Gives the car a bit more of a "finish". Definitely gotta source me some and some side skirts... Looking great!
  6. Hey everyone. Well, I'm Tim, or LD, or Fatknacker to anyone who knows me online. Long time member of various car forums. Was a previous SA Representative for Mitsubishi Club Australia (Back when I owned my Lancer). Have kinda missed the forum life. Anyways, I've since sold the Lancer and got myself a Grey 1998 Celica. Thought I'd come lurk the forums a bit and meet some new people. Look forward to things! Cheers.
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