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Posts posted by shmicko

  1. buy the aftermarket eyelids ones there about $50

    we're talkin facelift here buddy... very exe

    Brandon (BigBum) got custom eyelid's done, why don't you guys buy some off the guy? Won't be that expensive..

  2. Damn, the father of soul. Sure he had his ups and downs, beating on his wife, but you should be aloud to when you married..LOLL

    On a more serious note hopefully with Saddam gone, things will work out in Iraq like George Bush promised it would..

  3. Gday to all..

    NYE is just another night for me..

    I plan on EITHER,,,storm chaing or going bed like usual,,,weather pending on my plans..

    For those who are going to party,,,,PLZ do take care of yaselves & especially of ya friends,,you can pic ya friends,,not ya family.

    Take care..


    Your absolutely right, have fun guys but don't do anything stupid :D, damn Craig atleast go into the city and watch the fireworks, you'll be home by 2am

  4. NYE!! Should be a good one, anyone going to be in the city? I got an apartment happening with a few mates for 3nights, can't wait to crack open that first crown lager and light up a cigar :D. It's also a religious holiday on the Islamic calender as well, how gay is that!

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