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Posts posted by shmicko

  1. carmate are a bunch or fkn tools sorry mate not hounding your link but yeah they are

    in my opinion trc is the mecca of bodykits for the stivo!!! they sell every kit i can think of and they excellent service and pricing


    it sucks they don't have kits for the sedan other than the c-one stuff =[

  2. Hey guys/gals,

    I've been thinking about going the next step and buying some rims for my car, I have a light-blue mica/shimmer colored sedan. One of the biggest investments are the rims, it makes or breaks the car and I don't want to make a 1k+ mistake.

    I have looked at a couple of style and color combinations i think either white or silver rims would suite the color of the car. With something like a thicker 5 spoke style would make the car look more meaner..

    I have considered the possibilities of investing in 17" or 18", as 19" is way to big!

    I just wanted to ask what the rest of you think, as I value everyones opinions on this forum :D

    Here's a little idea of the color..



  3. Thanks George & Phill :)

    Rolla Boy put it on ya somthing to do list! lol

    LOL toca fishing cruize that would be something to see everyone with fishing rods :lol: stubbies oh wait cant have that :P can have the fishing hat though lol

    edit* got firefox to work now!

    Dude, nice idea, need a fishing cruise or sumthing :D

  4. Interesting thread. It says what 'nationality'. Thing is, we're all the same nationality lmao. We're all Australian citizens.

    What 'background' am I? I'm part dutch. Does my heritage matter to me? A little. Point is that i'm Australian, nothing else, and I'm proud to be it :D

    Yes your absolutely right! The term nationality gets mixed up alot with background. Proud to be Aussie :D

  5. I personally think every girl likes bad guys in general..........good guys seem boring.....until you want a frickin husband or partner for life.........it f*c*k*n* stupid.........I still have not gotten over it.....

    I'm a good guy, but when provoked I can kill someone......Not kidding.

    Been provoked on a few ocassions...and if it wasn't for my friends holding me back and letting me cool down......could of really landed in some deep waters....but I'm married now lol


  6. yes of course i wash my hands - but its more likely to be your germs thats left on the tap handle when its my turn to wash up!

    further more for those who sometimes DONT wash after they go 2 the dunny... eww people!

    on a side note... this thing has been bugging me ever since i was like 7...

    how the hell do you manage to properly wipe your ***** with only 4 squares of toilet paper?!??

    the little fat kid from hey dad did it in the sorbent commercial... anyone remember that commercial??!

    scrunching that much paper will surely leave you with brown fingers so he must have been folding?!?!

    thats another thing i wanna ask - how many squares is sufficient for you??

    Hmm.. i usually take up 1/5th of the roll to wipe my *****, i also wash it with water as well, its normal to find a big bottle of water next to the toilet in a Turkish house :D

  7. Idont understand why you gotta be nice and neat when it comes to folding your paperz n wiping your A5s... UGH!

    on mythbusters they compared the residual bacteria left on your hand through folding VS scrunching with different amounts of paper each time.

    EVERY test resulted in SCRUNCHING to have lesser germz and stuff compaered to folding.

    they put it down to the distance between the hand and the anus hahahaha!

    so sucked in folders you think your clean but your not!


    its just like folding, but with extended surface area so that scrunching provides better grip and control, PLUS a bufferzone to prevent fingers penetrating the paper...

    HAHAhahAAHAH ohh man, i almost ****** my pants! scrunch FTW y0!

  8. Hey guys/gals,

    This is my ride, still stock at the moment. The pictures aren't that great will be updating with better pictures soon!

    Current dad mods:

    - custom Ford BA fog lights (don't work)

    - Ford BA side door panels

    - Tickford badge (removed)

    - 18% window tint






    Upcoming mods:

    - eyelids

    - some nice rims (17" or 18")

    - King Spring Super-Lows

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