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  1. That sounds like it could be it. I think for these really small cars manual is the way to go, as every horsepower is needed and auto results in lower power and fuel economy.
  2. That seems like unusually bad fuel economy figures. I've had a manual 2010 Yaris 1.3L since new and I've always had great fuel economy on it. If I don't have time to fuel up and leave it to the last bar flashing I've managed to get around 650km out of it before refuelling. Often I measure my fuel economy when I refuel. My all time best was 5.5L, but usually it hovers around 6.2-3L / 100km which I think is quite reasonable. I mainly do highway driving on it, but I often drive it to uni in the city and even being stuck in stop/start traffic doesn't ruin the fuel economy too much... maybe a tiny bit but still no more than 7L /100km. Does everyone here race their car all the time or something? Or is it the auto that sucks up the fuel.
  3. Hello all, first post here, and I figured the Toyota club would give me the best answers. We're currently looking for a 3rd car as we've had to sell our old one and need a new one. My dad and I have both been fantasizing and salivating about the release of the new GT-86. I guess you could call us both car enthusiasts, although neither of us drives a particularly exciting car at the moment. Anyway my dad had the idea of getting the new Toyota / Subaru BRZ when it comes out on finance. I am currently in uni and finish my thesis at the end of the year. His plan was to get the car on finance and have it be my car (although he would probably drive it to work a lot) and it would be mine when I go out and stuff or when I drive to uni. The plan is for him to pay off the car for the first few months on finance, and then once I graduate at the end of the year and get a job, I would take over the payments and it would become all mine, while he gets the Yaris that is currently mine. Does anyone think this idea sounds feasable? I was shocked completely when my dad suggested the idea. My original plan was to wait until I had graduated before seeing if I could buy a car like this. However we do need a new car soonish and this one just happens to be coming out soonish. I guess what I'm mainly concerned about is that people might think I'm one of those spoilt rich kid hoons if I'm driving this car while I'm still on P plates and only 22. For the record I don't speed or drive aggressively, and we certainly aren't "rich" although from an enthusiasts point of view this car looks awesome. I currently drive 600-800km a week and it would be nice to drive something a little more interesting than the Yaris. I should also say one of the main reasons dad wants this is because I currently leave home the earliest (7am) and come home the latest (7pm) so he thought I should have a bit of a reward for sticking through with it So what do fellow Toyota owners think about this? Sound like a good idea? For me I'm a little worried about the price of the insurance. Although this isn't exactly a high powered V8.
  4. Welcome to the Toyota forums MercuryXR7 :)

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