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Everything posted by gtw

  1. @RICE RACING.. (I just signed up (planning to get a Kluger) because I felt compelled to offer a dissenting voice. It comes with caveats, but essentially you tar many people with the same brush.) I worked as a Toyota Service Technician many years ago. (First caveat of my response - this was pre-2000, so bear this in mind). We had a small shop, but I can safely and CONFIDENTLY say, we were very very careful with how we proceeded with our servicing. I was young then, but I was not careless, neither was the other team members, and the boss was indeed strict on quality and professionalism. I am pretty disgusted that you (RICE RACING) vent so terribly about people that have followed the path I initially took. I enjoyed it, I cared about peoples cars and I did a good job. What you dont allow people to identify RICE, is some of the other benefits of having Toyota techs service. And, there indeed ARE some. You wont get this all the time, granted (and this is the second caveat - not all experiences are equal, not all techs are capable) but anybody who, day in, day out is working on a brand will get used to the unique conditions that that brand/models have. For example, Camry's used to have a problem where the oil filter rubber used to stick when it was being screwed on. Someone who didnt know this, was at risk of screwing on the filter, not assessing if the rubber gasket was seated correctly, then starting up, and loosing oil, potentially damaging the engine. Its a SIMPLE little problem, easily fixed by applying oil to the gasket when installing. Someone who doesnt get the Toyota service bulletins, who doesnt do this day in, day out might not be aware. There was a number of issues like this that others may not be aware of, and prolong potential problems. Everyone knows you get a better deal from an independent service workshop, right? But then again, you also run into potentially the same issue. A brand aligned workshop may detect a problem that an independent might not. Those savings wont be so nice if the cost of repair is high. Fact of the matter is, there are pro's and con's of doing it yourself, and there are the same having someone else do it for you. Its not black and white. That is a shame, because it makes life hard when deciding how to proceed. But on balance, you would have to argue that FAR more cars are serviced via dealerships or brand aligned workshops (at least in the warranty period) than not. And cars are not blowing up, left right and centre, right? So, while RICE RACING does have some validity to his message, lets be a little sensible and mature about it. He is right, servicing is generally pretty easy. If you take the time to understand your car, frequent forums such as these and ask questions and maintain awareness, you are probably going to do OK. Better if you can get access to a hoist - its FAR FAR easier to service a car and be aware of a cars underbody when you can easily see and get access to components. Its a lot harder when you are lying on your back with limited working room. PS: Doesnt the service invoice state the oils used, including viscosity? Last services I had done certainly did (Subaru dealerships), which should remove some of the concern about what oils are being used?! Anyway - this is off topic, and I dont want to hijack the thread. I personally dont intend to engage in a discussion on this, I just wanted to put an alternative viewpoint and leave it at that. Cheers! Greg.
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