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Posts posted by xTiGeRx

  1. Yep. K&N have a panel filter for the celica and stivo and the normal corolla.

    arount $120-$130.

    i bought one before..but then asked for a refund...

    why? :blink:

    coz it do much in terms of increasing performance.

    made the car run smoother and a bit of induction noise...

    BUT....BUT.... :unsure:

    Because they're an OIL based filter...the residual oil ends up forming around the HOT WIRE....(it's the wire that detects air flow...blah blah..)

    and just before you turn off your car..the wire goes RED hot to burn off any dirt/muk on it. but....OIL??? when you heat up oil...things get hotter and hotter...right?

    Well...that means that it will eventually BURN out the HOT WIRE..thus....one day..you may be driving along...and then you're car LEANS out or something....


    That's why i've just stuck with the stock filter..and it does the BEST filtration job..as well as still providing sufficient air flow..

    I've even got the dyno charts to prove that the filter didn't do much at all.

    not even 1 kw.... <_<


  2. Was heading from blacktown towards kellyille...going through Norwest Business Park....

    you all know that it's hilly and a little curvy...and a poo load of round abouts.

    Here i am following a 89-92 corolla (not sure what it had under the bonnet...had exhaust and that..).....

    right lane...i move to the right and get up close....he's up close to the person in front. i can see he's gonna give me a run for my money. :)

    he changes to the left...coz the guy in front was like...going REALLY slow....so was the guy in the left lane..but seems a little faster than the guy on the right....Anyways...as soon as he changed..the slow right finally got some speed going down hill. :lol:

    There's my chance. i downshift and get behind the slow guy..and change lanes to get infront of the slow left guy. the old corolla follows suit.

    we approach a round about...and i downshift and manuvour around the round about with enough speed to make him have to give it some to keep up.

    i'm lookin my rear view..he guns it...and to my shock...as he exits the round about....his back end steps out...and for a second there i thought he was going to spin..but he ended up facing the kerb..and then straightened up.

    i was like.......WTF?!?! they aren't rear wheel drive?!?!? are they?

    all over.....after that..he didn't even try to catch up...i think he was doing 50km after that. :lol::lol::lol:

    Guess he doesn't know his car very well....or just can't drive. :D

  3. if you open ur bonnet and check under the hood...you'll see a sticker with the engine model on it. eg: 2zz or 1zz.

    read that and it should tell you what the car is suppose to idle at when it's WARM.

    my car when cold sits pretty high and gradually drops to the manufacture's 700rpm idle spec.

    what does it say for the 2zz? (i don't have one yet, so i don't know..yet )

  4. rattles in dash? gear selector cable? noise whilst reversing....

    what else is going wrong with the stivo's??????

    Are all the stivo's having these problems?

    I'm really concerned as to whether or not i get a lemon when my car is delivered now... :(

  5. No offence taken. :)

    I'm a good loser! but i never give up...i'll keep trying and get spanked everytime. but i don't care, coz i know i'm learning and getting better each time...well...as much as physically possible. :rolleyes:

    Anyone care to have a race? I wanna see how a stivo goes against my car.

    i'm in the kellyville area.

    pm me if you want.

    "job's on!"

  6. Great story! =)

    Although, i too own a Levin..well....soon i won't be as i will have a stivo soon.

    is there really a big difference in terms of performance?

    coz the levin is over 100kg lighter...and the powerband is more wider.

    like...how much did you get infront of him?

    (RACE ME! i don't care if i loose, just as long as i know how much better the stivo is to my levin!!)

    'bring it on!' :blink:

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