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Posts posted by LordBug

  1. In the old thread floating around here, and other sources across the net, 23mm is way too thick, 19mm is the sweet spot especially when coupled with the strut brace.

    The sway bar will still make a difference, there's a nifty animation on the ebay listings that shows what forces it helps with.

    Still need to get myself the sway bar, the strut brace alone did make a noticable difference.

  2. Hey guys,

    Was hoping someone would be willing to help me out by letting me take a casting from the front corner of their left side skirt. My one had the front broken off by a crap tyre place (Didn't realise it until it was too late to take it up with them), so my plan is to get a cast of the shape, and rebuild that corner with fibreglass.

    I'd be waxing the hell out of it to ensure a clean release and no damage.

    Am in the Cannington area, will happily travel. Also willing to either chew the fat whilst waiting for the mould to set, or just sit to the side quietly.

    Let me know if you're happy to help a fellow owner out.



  3. Might be a bit late on the reply, but hopefully it helps.

    Bought my TRD on the 68k mark for $27k, and I don't regret it at all.

    Regular Aurion parts are interchangeable, since it's essentially a done up Sportivo. Only big differences are the supercharger, brakes, and body kit.

    Body kit replacements are dearer than raising ten children, but everything else should be the typical Toyota price (Which can sometimes be well priced, other times you need a second loan, but thankfully usually there's bugger all problems and it just keeps going and going and going)

    I'd originally been eying off a white TRD which was being sold in Tasmania, fully intending to drive it back, but I'm extremely happy with the red of my baby.

  4. You did a top job there! Love the look of the vinyl wrap, this gives me options as opposed to trying to buy a central dash from a Presara for the woodgrain look. How did you do the corners and under-sides of the lids that open?

    Now get yourself an ELM 327 bluetooth dongle, the app Torque, and you can get some really handy real-time info on that tablet :)

  5. It'd be interesting to see if it had any effect on general cooling even by a degree or two, as airflow is a funny thing.

    Does make it look neater, but I believe it'd be nicer if it was aluminium, or at the very least a nicer plastic. The general colours make it look like a cheap cover, which kinda detracts from the idea of quality.

    I'll admit that I also consider it to be a touch pointless, but there's nothing wrong with it being something you'd like to do, your car is yours to make yours.

  6. As above.

    If you're worried though, just ask them to have a look inside the boot next service to make sure they're still packed with grease. I did get lucky with mine, a friend is a Toyota mech so the replacement was cost price, and he just pulled apart the other and rebuilt it without a need of replacement.

  7. I know this is an old thread, but thankfully oldmate just above me bumped it already :)

    If it's not an alignment/balance/tyre shape/rotor issue, then get the CVs checked. I was getting some very gnarly wobbling feedback at speeds above 40kph, but not all the time, and in the end it was because one CV had lost all its grease (what the?), so one of the bearings had started wearing an indent inside the joint.

  8. Not a bad idea, though I'm guessing you need to go through and delete a whole lot of video yourself?

    I like the thought of those cameras that keep the last ten minute of footage, unless a collision is sensed, and I'm guessing some of them come with a button so you can tell it to do the same for near misses.

    At least with a gopro, if someone attacks you, you can use it as a weapon _and_ watch the footage from that angle again later :P

  9. White is truly the best car for the lazy man who doesn't clean often.

    My previous daily driver went two or so years without detergent, just rain and wind.

    Finally gave it a wash today (Need to sell it, hate driving it after having my TRD for a while), came up not too bad. Bit of cut & polish to start getting rid of some of the fuzzy paint, and it looks shmicko. I know that there's plenty of scratches and nicks on it, but it's white, so it's hidden perfectly :)

    Whereas my cherry red baby has painfully obvious paintwork swirls from where the previous owner wasn't too down pat with taking car of a quality car, they don't take much effort to spot up close. Which on the up side means that when I get around to fixing it up, it'll look even better, but on the downside, it's heart-weighing imperfections on my pride and joy :(

    I would've gotten a white one when I was looking, there'd been one in Tasmania with decent KMs that I was tempted for, but in the end I fell for the cherry which was also local as a big bonus.

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