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Posts posted by RoLLing BLK

  1. Hi all me and my brother brought a wii last week and my brother was look though youtube and found this story of a women in the usa who was in a breakfeast radio show game that she and others had to drink as much water as they can and not WEE ******* or chunder *vomit* and last person standing wins a nintendo WII i found this very disterbing when i heard about this and the thing that really annyoed me was that they had a nurse call up the radio whilst this was happining and the nurse said it could possibly make u ill/sick and perhaps DIE from drinking too much water yes DIE!! and all the radio host did where laugh at her so heres the youtube links and also its hard to find many clips cuz they have already banned them this happend last week i think... please let me know your thoughts and comments i find it really aggravating >.<

    NUMBER 1


    NUMBER 2


    Thank you,


    **** man how bad is that, the chick on the radio says after hearing the callers coments

    "maybe we should have reserched this a bit" hell yes you should have! especially knowing someone had died from it already. Yeah i think they should be held accountable, they had prior knowlege of a death and were warned during the contest that there's a risk of death. i wonder if the release form they signed state that there was a good chance of dieing in doing what they were doing? ;)

  2. hey mate....where abouts are you sitauted, my uncle is a motor trimmer, been in the trade for 35 years.....he has a workshop @ home, just off bridge road in richmond, melbourne....pm me if you want his details


    I may be interested, my bmw is getting old now and the leather in the front is getting a bit cracked.

    can you ask how much for a leather redoo for 2 buckets is? black leather and theres no leather on the back of the seat just the front. Cheers

  3. thats it

    im forwarding this link to my boss!


    my last job we had a cheff every friday come in and cook us lunch, from seafood to marinated ribs to pastas but nothing even close to googles efforts, but the pay was realy sucky.

    why cant bosses see that the happier the worker the more effecient the worker. ;)

  4. Hey Guys,

    Just a newbie here, I dont own a Toyota but i do own a Honda. I'm mates with David, who has a 04 Rolla.

    Was just browsing around and i do come too meets with Dave, and i do enjoy my time there. I'm not here to hijack no forums and be like Hondas are better... I'm here to learn about the wonderful world of Toyota's esp the corolla Sportivo... I'll post up some pics here of my ride, Soon to be lowered soo stay tuned!

    Dave's Corolla n My Accord


    My accord


    Accord with Lids but i've taken them off right now


    Thanks guys

    The eye lids look cool man leave them on. And maybe if you venture the toca site often we could get you to

    change to the good side of the force :whistling: Anyway welcome to you and all above

  5. He basically traded his in. He had an FPV GT ute prior to this and just thought, 'meh, ok i'll get this'.

    So the new XR6T's have 270kw also? They were 240kw w. 400nm or something similar before weren't they? (I'm about to go to lunch so i'm too lazy to look it up sorry haha)

    Irregarless they're bloody quick. It's about to be 310kw w. 600nm with just a chip upgrade. Cherry metallic sounds very nice. More unique than some of the other colours.

    The BFII XR6 Turbos have 245kw

    Ford is just trying save dollars with this. It makes sense to produce the one engine and apply a different tune via the computer.

    The eGas 4.0l Ford engine shares the same bottom end as well.

    I know the utes still use the leaf springs setup in the back ie: more weight, but thats also why it would get good traction for a ute, that and ford always put expensive rubber on there high end cars.

    The thought of '4ltr' turbo hhhhmmmmm its tempting.

  6. now my girlfriend is coming home telling me who she's spotted, i think she's getting the TOCA bug, :P

    "I spotted MRRUNX again today" she says. So on behalf of my darling simone MRRUNX you've been spotted at Chaddy carpark. you must work there, she says she see's your car often. Either that or you have alot of money to burn.

    hey RoLLing BLK, i wasnt at chaddy on the 19th jan, i was at glen waverly. Maybe your gf saw me there?

    Sorry i should have said the date, it wasnt actualy that day, just a quote on what she had said. so what is it that you do that lets you hop around shopping centres?

    haha its ok. i dont do anything special. just work at a cafe if thats what u mean. usually go chaddy for the sales. dont always buy something though. haha. not that rich. im guessing ur gf works at chaddy? either that or she has alot of money to burn :P

    I wish :whistling: , yeah she works there, she's a manager at sun glass hut. B)

    haha sunglasses hut hey? groupbuy! jk jk thats cool

    Well certain parts of the year she does get '30% off vouchers' to hand out to family & friends, and normaly

    the expired date comes before all the vouchours have gone. If you are interested? and others, i could maybe post something up and take down names. thats 30% off any brand! no group buy needed just have to turn up on a certain day. one vuocher can be used multiple times one that same one day.

    just a thought :whistling::spiteful:

  7. i have seen a car program a while ago (cant remember which one) and they tested all 3 fuels, standard, 95 and 98 all with the same type of new car (lexus from memory) one in each, at the same time following each other.They went from all being full tanks to conk out empty and the 95 went further second was the 98. like they program name i cant remember the fuel they used either sorry, it was a while ago.

  8. how does carbon fibre go with heat?

    real carbon is fine but over the weekend someone said to me that the carbon printing process is fine for interior but for exterior after a year or so it may change.

    i have now found another process and will go with it since it will not change over time. they call it spraying sand and the engine cover will come back with a texture like medium grit sand paper.

    the spraying sand is cheaper than $130 which is good afterall it is just an engine cover. it turns out though other places i checked on the weekend wanted $200 to carbon print the engine cover.

    Ive seen that spraying sand effect before on a holden it looks pretty good. and if its cheaper tan $130

    w :D hy not, keep those mods coming

  9. now my girlfriend is coming home telling me who she's spotted, i think she's getting the TOCA bug, :P

    "I spotted MRRUNX again today" she says. So on behalf of my darling simone MRRUNX you've been spotted at Chaddy carpark. you must work there, she says she see's your car often. Either that or you have alot of money to burn.

    hey RoLLing BLK, i wasnt at chaddy on the 19th jan, i was at glen waverly. Maybe your gf saw me there?

    Sorry i should have said the date, it wasnt actualy that day, just a quote on what she had said. so what is it that you do that lets you hop around shopping centres?

    haha its ok. i dont do anything special. just work at a cafe if thats what u mean. usually go chaddy for the sales. dont always buy something though. haha. not that rich. im guessing ur gf works at chaddy? either that or she has alot of money to burn :P

    I wish :whistling: , yeah she works there, she's a manager at sun glass hut. B)

  10. chopped by dc5r hahahaha

    common man they not that quick !!!

    id beleive getting chopped by a dc2r !!

    A stock DC5 is just as quick as a DC2. It's been proven the DC2R/DC5R (AUDM) and DC5S are all within a 10th of a second of each other both on the strip and on the track. So yes any of the three will spank a Sportivo

    I guess thats why they cost alot more. You get what you pay for. (most of the time) unless you were to spend the differance from price tags on perfomance mods to the sportivo to match the $$ spent on a type r stock, then we've got a different bed time story :P

  11. Couldn't she see that there's no way she can fit in that spot?!?!

    With the amount of times she hit the cars i thought she was trying to change the size of the spot :blink:

    someone should mention the words 'public transport'

  12. now my girlfriend is coming home telling me who she's spotted, i think she's getting the TOCA bug, :P

    "I spotted MRRUNX again today" she says. So on behalf of my darling simone MRRUNX you've been spotted at Chaddy carpark. you must work there, she says she see's your car often. Either that or you have alot of money to burn.

    hey RoLLing BLK, i wasnt at chaddy on the 19th jan, i was at glen waverly. Maybe your gf saw me there?

    Sorry i should have said the date, it wasnt actualy that day, just a quote on what she had said. so what is it that you do that lets you hop around shopping centres?

  13. Dude sorry to hear about that.

    What gear were you in when you shifted down?

    To be honest, i cant really remember. 4th i think. I was speeding a little :whistling: It was on a back road at about 1am and i had my high beems on so its not like he couldn't see me. maybe i should have braked a little and just hit him, it would have been cheaper that way :P

  14. 2006

    Top 5 movies ( in no order )

    jackass 2

    pirats of the carrabien 2

    lord of war

    ice age 2

    v for vendeta

    Top 5 tv shows " "

    Thank g.o.d your here



    Aust Funniest Home Vids

    BB uncut (not as good as 2005)

    Top 5 albums

    Freeform Five / killer (electro)

    ministry 07 (yes it came out in 06)

    jamirquai / dynmite

    Bernard Fanning / tea & sympathy

    Andy C / nightlife

    Top 5 websites






  15. How is that rear skirt looking Rolling Blk? :)

    Any pics?

    My car is still at the mechanics majorly fkd the engine. had a car pull out in front of me in the dark with no headlights, i paniced and braked at the same time as shifting down gear to pull up, but i shifted down to many at once and herd a bang, pulled over and turned the car off within seconds. Tried to start it and there was no compresion at all, just the sound of my starter motor ticking over :( . Im supose to be getting the price of the damage this monday. Im not looking forward to that, had just spent over 2k on parts (c/f bonnet, eye lids, rear skirt and coil overs) days before it happened. And being just before xmas everyone had shut up for weeks so i havent had the rolla since. On top of that, work has slowed down majorly so there's no overtime :angry:

    but as soon as i get it back and find some cash the parts will be on asap and pics being snaped away to post.

    I wonder if my other half would notice money missing from our wedding account? :spiteful::spiteful: haha i dont think im that game lol

    Any reply's of sympathy are welcome lol

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