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Everything posted by Slow_Rollah

  1. But when I bought her, it came already with the 17inch K.Speed wheels, still got a lot of work to put in her
  2. Thanks guys, well I bought her in 2011, this is what it looked like when i first bought it, but after few months i slowly started buying after market parts, like the black head lights, back tail lights, the front bra, interior parts as well as Exhaust, sorry I cant remember the brands for each part I bought & installed, but these are some pics of my Corolla
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum & with everything else. I've had my 94 Corolla, going on 3 years now, but I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone, & hope to learn much more about Corolla's.
  4. Hi guys, I'm new to this, but I'm definitely going to be there But I just wanted to know, if I'm a bit late on this!! but do we all meet in Villawood before cruising out to palm beach?
  5. Slow_Rollah


    From the album: My Slow 94 Corolla

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