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Everything posted by nguyepe

  1. Hi all, I have a 1992 Tarago... I've had it for a couple of years now... Not sure if this is normal but the car is so loud when driving and not sure why and what is causing the loud noise. If I had to describe it, it sounds like you're sitting next to the engine of the plane. Idles fine, no rattling noise etc... Rev its fine... Just when driving its so loud. If I was to leave the window open and say drive next to a concrete barrier for example, it's so loud you cannot hear yourself... Is this normal for a tarago?
  2. Hi all, I'm new to the forum and I'm looking at buying a 1993 Tarago that has 250,000kms on it... I haven't seen it yet but the owner claims to be the 2nd owner with service history... I know this is a gamble buying a car with such high kms... I've owned old cars in the past and some have been reliable while others leaked oil and overheated... If I was to buy the Tarago, for peace of mind I'll do a major service and at the same time replace the following items to prevent it from overheating... - Water pump - Themostat - New radiator - New radiator hose - New coolant Is there anything else I need to replace? Do you think that's enough to prevent overheating issues. Like future proofing it? I plan on taking it for a good test drive to make sure no existing overheating issues or head gasket issue... Any advice is appreciated
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