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Everything posted by and1

  1. oooo i'm getting excited now.. i wonder if i can get my cai on in time.. hope it comes today..
  2. party for us all to go to? TOCAU party anyone? u gotta invite us.. lets face it, TOCA party = sausage fest.... <_< haha no offence to caity i guess.. but its true i guess.. <_< maybe TOCAU plus jeremy's friends
  3. haha shes taken buddy.. good try.. i'll be seeing u more often then
  4. party for us all to go to? TOCAU party anyone? u gotta invite us..
  5. ooo.. i like.. how much are they?
  6. haha.. i spotted u.. not so under the radar now.. wow u jus pretty much passed my sis house.. where were u comin from?
  7. haha.. not everyone can afford them though.. plus coils for daily commuting is overkill unless u track alot.. That and Konis+Kings offer a more comfy ride then your cheaper coilovers and handle just as nicely :) here here sean
  8. haha.. not everyone can afford them though.. plus coils for daily commuting is overkill unless u track alot..
  9. ill hit on them, not the gf, but the sisters and cousins :D +1 to that. :P Hahaha shotgun hottest :) balls of steel ftw, should get back to playin poker with randoms aye jeremy hmm.. maybe i should ask my gf to come along too.. everyone gather ur gfs and girl-friends
  10. not neccessarily.. a celsior, toyota 929 ;) hehe, and others.. bring it along.. heaps of fun..
  11. wow!! lots of interest.. lets just hope everyone shows up..
  12. thanks for that.. I found details for a wrecker in perth that specialises in toyota parts, so sent them the photo in the hope it might yield something.. if not I'll start calling around.. do you have details of that wrecker?
  13. AKS right there :) got it in one.. haha..
  14. good find sean.. picked up some extra info i didnt know from it..
  15. 2 cars also?? the celica headlights took us pretty long also i love ur car..can i steal it :D lmao thanks come down and steal it insurance job wooo!!! uve got urself a deal hahaha HOT thank ***.. now he wont need to steal our parts..
  16. wow this might be scary big.. imagine cruisin down the road having people go wtf, a whole bunch of toyotas :P .. haha.. oh yea i think we need some club stickies or sumthing..
  17. haha mate wait till you get ur skirts :P .. then u'll see how low it really is.. any of u guys had problems yet with humps and all.. i think mine is the perfect height.. can clear almost everything..
  18. Lmao I love that pic :P thats wht u get for two boring kid waiting for thier springs to be done ahhhh... such a good pic ken.. :P
  19. haha yeah id be up for it..just im on stock 15s wif no hubbies..so it wont be much of a pretty sight. :( its good to see the difference they make to the look of the car though regardless of the wheels..
  20. what about me??????? or am i not allowed? *rolls eyes* mate u havent been on for a while have u? u know u wanna come ..
  21. should hv it lowered by then so yeh :) should be ok :D here here ken.. yea i'm pretty sure i'll be there.. maybe for the first leg only though.. u mite as well finsih two leg coz its easier to get back to north @ leach highway maccas :) i'll be goin to a party afterwards.. thats the reason i'm leaving early.. otherwise i wouldn't mind stayin..
  22. wooo!!! spring install tomorrow people.. hey ken and dayve, maybe we should take some before and after shots..
  23. hmm does anyone know of wreckers in perth? anyone? want a pair of facelift headlights..
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