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  • Toyota Model
    1994 Tarago/Previa

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  1. Ok bit more engine oil in it and it went 25 km's before heating up to 2mm off the red. NOT GOOD Anyone have any ideas before i take the *** damn engine apart? cause i'm gunna!!!! I have the tools and I'm threatening to use them !!!!!!!
  2. Today I had an overheating problem . checked water level this morning because it overheated the other day in hot weather towing a caravan. (It only travelled five km.) Anyway I got about 10km down the road and the temperture gauge began rising. I pulled over to the side of the road and allowed it to cool. took off again and it rose to red , pulled over again for about 5 minutes and it cooled . Turned car around to come home. I basically bunny hopped it all the way home. Had to pull over five times the car went for about 1 - 3 km's before having to pull over. checked manual . but nothing in it seems to suggest anything serious . In fact it doesn't say much at all. -air con wasn't switched on at any time - all oil and filters are fine...........although oil under the bonnet was at low but i have put more in . Oil in engine (dipstick ) was fine. -checked water after i got home and no problem.......it was a little brown so I flushed it. - no spots under car indicating any leaks. does anyone have an answer?........ I'd prefer not to be stranded in the heat tommorow
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