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Posts posted by CoRroLLa-JAHAT

  1. i bought the short antenna from US i think cost the same.there is nothing wrong with it. good reception...looks nice...worth it!!cheap too!!i advice to buy it...since its cheap and nothing wrong with the reception.but mine is silver ones...with optional long or short antenna...

  2. yeah probably i would change my hood to CF hood, but i think that will cost me heaps haha...since i dont have much money...^_^ yeah that one looks indcent but still the one i posted is better coz its CF...dont you think so?

    the one you posted, for me personally i kinda dont like the design.its..how can i put it...weird? maybe i dont know thats for me personally.

    INDCENT...if you like those.check out this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/03-05-TOYOT...sspagenameZWD2V

  3. ohh ic...are you sure its illegal for the xenon and blue?why is that?ic...well if you guys think that its worth it...i'll guess cant hold my self from buying it.hahah...it will be very coo!!

    thanks INDCENT! they have it in cf, why dun you just buy them.?its quite cheap...

  4. hi guys, i found this M3 mirror for corolla.do you think it will fit on our corolla?if me, i dont think there's any reason why it shouldnt fit.do you guys agree with me?http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/03-05-TOYOTA-COROLLA-M3-CARBON-FIBER-POWER-SIDE-MIRRORS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33649QQitemZ8065558116QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD2V

    im thinking of buying this, what do you guys reckon>?

  5. well i dunno much about car audio.but myself going to install 6.5" splits Vifa, and pioneer as rear speakers and SPL amp.actually i bought these back from my home country coz it'll be cheaper there and the guy said the Vifa speakers are one of the best speakers range atm....im not sure whether its true or not but i'll have to listen to it once i install it.^_^ btw, have u guys heard of these Vifa speakers?

  6. well electric airfilters compare to APEX'i intake system, i think they are the same cost. not sure about force flow intake system but im sure of APEX'i ones coz i browse through the CAI test between apex'i, k n N, blitz and hks.surely APEX'i is the best...well if its the same price...hmmm probably i'll go with apexi. but is it worth it?$600 for a CAI??what do u reckon guys

  7. hi there guys, i got my eyelids today.i just would like to know if i could paint it using touch up paint and spray gun? i need anyone advices whether its possible or its not.thx

    It'll look better if u use a spray can.

    autobarn/repco .. can match ur paint by the model colour of ur car located in the engine bay.

    cost u around $25-30 for a can.

    oh ic..what is the difference if im using touch up paint and spray gun?so if i use spray paint.

  8. hey guys,

    i just wanted to introduce myself before you all start seeing my posts here and there and wonder where i came from and who i am. well, my name is Jay and im a uni student from syd. i just bought a 1991 mr2 about 2 weeks ago and decided to join this forum cuz then i can learn more about my car from you guys and ask for help and advice when needed as well as get some parts from people i can trust. :D

    hope to hear from you guys soon and see ya around in the forums.thanx :)

    Hello there Jay. Nice to meet you and welcome to au.toyotaownersclub. do you have pics for your car?My name is juna.im in adelaide and also i am a uni student. hehe...well what course are you taking?

    well if you have any questions or problems, dun hesitate to post a topic and all of us will be glad to help ya...^_^

    well nice to meet you again Jay.

  9. Hey,

    the cheapest would be DOING it yourself. but if you have no idea on what you're doing, just ask your local mechanic, they will charge u about $60 per springs. TOTAL $240. (that's how much it costs me to put my springs on)


    wahh its that expensive??hmmm...thanks.

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