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Posts posted by LEGEND888



    tqs to all the ppl who organized this..

    tqs ken..tqs tiang..tqs wayno..

    :) we should do this some other time

    Andrew do pls remember to let us know how much money we RAISED FOR THE CHINA EARTHQUAKE ppl :)

    n tqs Andrew for settling the donation stuff

    n tqs to everyone who turned up :) hope u all had great fun..

    n pls do post up pics :D i didnt take pics :(

    thanks for all the peepz who organized it... it was hell fun. no one doing hoon or stuff... and walkies was an excellent idea. :)......

    and plz send the photos... and when we were on the zig zag... i saw someone videoing?? maybe video will be good??


  2. I gave up on washing my car....started washing it this morning got most of it done, then had to rush out...fck off big puddle ruined all my work...

    HAHAHAHA! LOLS... thats why... like me... when theres an event like this,,,, detail ur car then start putting them into the garage and use your siblings/parents/friends car... LOL i just dont want all my work to be fked by just a small rain :P

  3. im sure they find it some what rude

    well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

    cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

    well thats just me :)

    HAHAHA, bro :( everytime i go out i usually hang with viets and

    they all fkn speak viet n **** LOL and all u see is me sitting there going "wdf????"

    it is abit rude but its not like its an issue LOL

    i usually speak in another language when im tryna betch about someone whos infront of me

    :P thats what we`re tryin to avoid

    bitching in front with another language! hahahaha xD

    :P yea i get that all the time from indo`s :P

    my indo frens know i understand indo..but their frens dont :) n they start talkin **** n my frens just go :blink: *gasp*

    hahahaha :) but im nice! :D LOLS

    i forgive..but i never forget :)

    one thing i learn.... never talk in indo infront of jeremy, specially talking about him.... he speaks indo man... seriously.. if ppl dunnoo... they will think hes indo ROFL :yahoo: :yahoo:

  4. just got my car serviced by damo101 :)

    top notch buddy!

    n cheers jeff for accompanyin me at 7am =_=


    :D WHEE!!!

    HAHA LOLS!! tell u guys man... DAMO101 is :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: he really take care of your car... highly recommended mechanic to have your car worked on ..... :)

    for me accompanying u 7am .. is ok lah... i start realising that everytime i slept until 12pm or something... i miss alot of things... eg today after i came home... i get to wash my car, polish my car, vacuum my car, clean engine bay, wash dishes and took shower :ph34r: :ph34r: LOLS... and all of those done at 12.30pm. so yeh.... imagine if i wake up at 12pm... none of those things will be done :whistling: :whistling:

  5. LOLS... normally my car is parked on the lawn outside... today, i washed my car, waxed them well partly :P..... vacuum it etc.... so to keep it off the rain... i put my car on the garage and left my parents car outside :yahoo: :yahoo: be ready tomorrow guys! :spiteful: :spiteful:

    LOL.. nice one.. who else needs a walkie talkie tomorrow? i still have one..

    HAHAHAHA!! ROFL... jeremy was goin to use mine too ... he bought one... so i have 1 spare too... but then... if can plzz provide the batttery if ppl wanna use it LOLz... what type of cb u have andy?? the rechargeable one??


  6. LOL... first of all, if we tint the front windscreen, if cops start taking your pictures for speed camera, they cant see your face.

    but what people says that it disctracts your vision. its 100 percent true. in my country, all my cars use the darkest/ or the mirror kind of tint. so it reflects just about anything. on daytime, u cant see anything from outside, unless u stick your face on the window. at night, u can barely see the face at night.... but from the inside, it will have like reflection... which makes the driving hard. but in my country, those kind of dark tints is important as they are alot of crimes on the roads. if they see you using your mobile phone. random people on the street can just grab an axe and start threatening you , whether give your phone to them, or they will smash your glass. T_T

    so yeh... i want tint too :P:P

  7. Well im ******, cleaned my car, got tar on it from road works and then some birds carpet bombed it...

    And as for the CB im happy to go halvsies with jeremy. If im buying them and he doesnt pay ill shove it up his exhaust pipe :P

    hahaha..so whats happening? u buyin? dw about batts ey..i have rechargables :D is it AAA or AA :P

    whee my 1st walkie talkie!! :D

    where abouts r u man :P

    :angry: LOLS!! so no one is using my other CB? MAUHAUAHUAUHUAHA....

  8. hmms, well is there anything else that i can do by myself to try and stop the noise? LOL do u reckon all the keys are the same? maybe i can borrow a friends LOL

    aishh, so gay - anyone know what might have been the cause that triggered the alarm ?

    edit: LOL wait i think i might try to jump it, so i can just use my remote to turn it off - if that doesnt work gg to me cos i dont get paid till next week LOL

    HAHA! my friend has that problem. the alarm has back up battery. what you do is just put a rag over the siren or something... it will help. make it wet, it will decrease the noise i think :D

    so is it stopping now??

  9. Oh well... there has been a very bad racism going around in aus isnt it? i feel it with some people all the time. some car chucked eggs at my bro while he was walking, it happens like 3 times already T_T and sometimes in shops or something... i can see that those racist people loook at you and talk to you differently... they are just gay!! seriously Fkin gay!! :angry: :angry:

  10. my car is filthy & unless im in a cleaning mood on saturday my car will be a blackish red :o

    HAHA! lols... do you park your car outside the house or something? because i park my park just on the lawn outside my house and it pisses me off everytime i wash the car and finish with it,,, then it rains or the bird on the tree just starting to drop some leaves, seeds , Sh*ts T_T hahaha...

    oh well,,, i have to clean my car tooo, my mum was in my car today and said that my windscreen looks like some bird just puke on there?? wonder what that means LOLS

  11. No alarm think i'll have to invest in one. I don't think they broke into the car just to steal the battery since all the compartments were open.

    Still even the you would have to either be full of balls or empty of brains to take the time to go into a car park and take the time to steal a car battery.

    HAHAHAHA!! i mean.... did you have any valuables items sticking out tho? like mobiles or gps hanging around the car? if they looking for something, they might just smash your window or something... T_T i just dont get it why these people go into a car park and start trying to unlock the car.... haahhahahha.....

    yeah.... these days we have to be extra carefull.... nowadays i always try to park my car where its on my sight... eg in a restaurant or just in a shop. but its kinda hard to do it on a shopping centre... haha.. oh well.. just see a mechanic im sure they wil lbe able to help you :D

  12. I just looked at both key holes on the doors and my drivers side one has definently been messed with :(. Still don't know why someone would steel a battery but at least I know that I didnt leave it open.

    oh yeah... that means it confirms that they trying to force it open.. and it could relates to the issue that i posted above.. * COULD BE * :P does your car has alarm? because its really rare that someone opens up a car just to steal a battery? <_< <_< really weird... any cameras on the car park? gee... people steal every thing nowadays :(

  13. Just bought my Camry a week ago and I walked out to the carpark after work to find that my battery had been stolen from it and the doors were unlocked. I don't remember if i left it unlocked or if they got into the car somehow. Regardless whoever did it stole my battery :S.

    Got a new battery and the car is fine except that now I can't lock the car from my driver's side door and bent my key trying. It locks on the drivers side with a bit of effort and locks and unlocks on the passenger side like normal.

    Should I see an auto electrition or something?


    hmm... im not sure mate... but it could be people who opened your car who actually did something bad to it??

    coz from my past experience, the older type car, you can actually open the door with a steel 1 metre ruler..... stick it just under the driver side window...

    it could be the problem... but yeah.. just a thought mate.... maybe the best thing to do is see a mechanic?

    hope it helps :D

  14. theres just this idea that comes up on my head. because theres going to be 80+ cars coming and im sure that not the whole 80 people will not have a CB radio. what if we break people into a few group?? say into 8 groups?? so 10 cars each group?? and then we put one person with a CB at the front of each group and one person with another CB at the back of the group?? if we have enough people bringing the CB , we can put each in the middle of each group??

    just an idea, coz i dont actually know the cruise route.... :D :D i mean if we only go freeway all the time, it should be fine.. coz what im worrying is some people get stuck traffic lights? or some randoms took over the line which makes people got left behind and such.....??

    just an idea .... what do u think Ken?? and guys?? :)

  15. hmm weather not looking too good for the days before...im gonna wash my car and get it all dirty again...

    Sunday Few showers, easing. Min 9 Max 18

    LOLS... im gonna wash my car for the meet.. i dont care if its gonna rain... coz now, my car is not lightly dirty.. it has dusts on the windows and things ROFL... do u think it needs to be washed? ROFL... i need to get it clean for the meets * Pictures * YAY! i just cant wait for that day.... :lol: :lol:

  16. I dont think Seano was owned... Mrs Sportivo doesnt have enough credibility to own anyone :rolleyes:

    Qkslvr thats the worst thing I have ever heard, and last week someone at work had the ham stolen out of there ham salad sandwhich when it was in the fridge.... but unfortunately there are many people out there who are a poor excuse for a human being *cough* Mrs Sportivo *cough*

    HAHAHAHAHAH!!! LOLs mate.. oh no... something going to happen again... i see it coming... LOL

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