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Posts posted by xoom

  1. ok as much as ur not supposed to compare s'tvio wif the type-r as it is 10-15K more BUT my mate has a type-r and yes it is noisier BUT IN A GOOD WAY....i.e. its not rattles or **** sounding like its falling apart or squeels its the sound of that VERY impressive engine going nuts. Besides that though i think if we had 10-15k extra spent on the s'tivo there probably wouldnt be these issues.

    Either way NO ONE mistake what i have said I ENJOY MY CAR & LOVE EVERY MINUTE DRIVING IT...but it would be good to iron out these niggly things



  2. wen i get it if it has nothing about the fact that there is a problem i will b ringing them back up and asking for something in writing. The one thing that they indicated is not many people have rung up about the problem. So PEOPLE please ring up and have your voices heard the number is (02) 9710 3955 & 1800 252 097 as the more pressure there is the higher priority this will get to be fixed

  3. Hi Guys,

    saw a black s'tivo in chatswood yesterday @ lunch time, bout 1pm parked near the shopping centre. It had small square twin outlets from the muffler and it was dropped mayb bout 35mm on the stock mags. looked nice :D .....

    I know there are others here who work in chatswood put ur hands up boys mayb we can catch up



  4. hey man, from what you have said that sounds very logical that yes it would fit BUT from previous experience from different model cars which share similar parts your best bet would be to call a mechanic or someone who would really know about this like the manufactors or something

    just my 2 cents worth



  5. Hi Guys,

    Just to let you all know i got talking to toyota australia today and i have finally gotten from them that

    1)The gear selector cable is a problem with the car and NOT a characteristic. It is a problem which doesnt warrent a recall as they still dont know how to fix it.

    2)The problem is currently back with design team in Japan and they are trying to resolve the issue.

    So for all those hard hours/days/months of trying to convince that this is a problem and not just us being pisy consumers has finally paid off. So to any1 who says we r simply being 2 picky well NO IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE WE ARE AS IT IS A PROBLEM :P :P :P :P AND TOYOTA NOW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT.



  6. Hi sport1vo,

    I'll tell you this from my experience from having one of toyota's head guys in front of me and one of fair tradings mechanic's infront of me at the same time. All the bitching complaining and indicating all the rattles wont achieve anything in terms of a recall. A recall will only occur if it is determined that the problem hinders safety in some way otherwise these rattles are deemed "characteristics" trust me i know i had a word fight with these guys for like an hour. Your suggestion of ringing every two months is good and i actually ring them once a month just to show them that i am chasing a resolution and that i am ****ty that they cant fix it yet but at the end of the day and this came out of the mouth of the guy at fair trading because these are "characteristics" and in no way affect the safety and under normal driving conditions they are not present YES toyota can walk away and not fix it. Im glad they arent doing that but u never now when they will give up on fixing it.

    Just my 2 cents worth for chasing toyota over the last few months since Sept last year



  7. To be completly honest i think MINIMAL R&D (research and development :P ) went into the sportivo and it was purely a knee jurk reaction to try and enter the hot hatch market. I pretty much feel that they just slapped it all together did a few things on gut feel/from previous experience and WALLA theres the Sportivo.

  8. LOL.....Yeah TJ is just trying to emulate a 4WD being jacked up so high before he puts the 4WD kit on :P :P isnt that right TJ ???? :P :P :D :D LOL

    Nah but seriously saw some pics n it looks pretty good....we gotta hook up TJ so i can have a look ill give u a buzz.



  9. i hated it until 1 day it was actually useful for something :blink:

    i was at a set of light and fiddling with the stacker putting cd's in n stuff wen it went green so i dropped everythin on da passenger seat n went to shift to 1st as i had it in neutral when i pushed it to far to the left and i engaged reverse for a split second. If it hadnt been 4 da beeping noise coming on i think i might have gunned it n found i went in the wrong direction :blink::blink::unsure::unsure:

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