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Posts posted by Mello

  1. trust me negatrons car is bling bling... im actually quite scared his car will overkill my 1zz in a drag.......... (BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH as if that will ever happen, unless he turbo's or powerfc or supercharges it.... *hint hint*)


    but seriously... you would be suprised by the number of hoons (/em points @ negatron) that mod their auto cars here in melbourne

    ... "especially those pathetic excuse for a rally car the lancer gli's and its little brother the mirage.

    However if you have a 1zz and want performance i would suggest get the "CAI" before you get the sportivo exhaust or else your not going to feel much of a gain (yet)

  2. i did that last year... trust me get your car in before 8am or else your screwed :lol: the parking centres around myer and melbourne central etc... will be packed definitely by 9:30

    I've decided to opt out of city myer this year and go to highpoint =P nothing beats it, since i live so close B)

    i might try out direct factory outlet in airport west as well =D

  3. docklands is nice place if you want to "crash time" the apartments are nice... even nicholas cage lived there for 3 months...

    but its a fare walk, Nova is better i reckon.. as for parking you might have problems in the city... be carefull of the east side... traffic afternoons starts at 5pm - 8pm varries sometimes....

    port phillip bay ? (tourism)

    visit... www.thatsmelbourne.com.au


    might give you some idea of whats in melbourne

    ohh... remember bring a jacket... freaky stuff down here.

    i just got back from portsea "where the prime minister went missing" that place is really nice... (expected forecast today was 32 in city... down there it was like 26ish *beautifull weather*)

    nice waves if your into surfing or body boarding...

  4. i still have one, its in the front left area of my engine bay.... everytime i go to the carwash and flush it out with a pressure hose.... it makes cobwebs again.... next time ill use baygon insect spray.... make it go to sleep and flush it out lets see how that works... other then that.... iv got no other spiders living anywhere.... I HATE SPIDERS!!!!!

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