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Posts posted by SQU-47N

  1. man i hope this guy aint serious ...... i almost fell outta my chair from laughter from his dribble ...... giving rolla drivers a bad rep ..... lol .... watch it till the end ..... u'll c wat i mean ..... atleast it could b an "only in the USA" story .... lol

    Thats so funny vtec bro...didnt no a CAI also doubled as turbo piping haha...ohh only in america

  2. Well it was just before mignight....she came out and said 'im sick of your **** you'll be sorry you'll get yours back'...i cant really afford to take her to court and i dont have the time....we were'nt provoking the fight either we were just saying stop going crazy and just ask nicely.

    We have had heaps of trouble with her in the past but never this bad...none of the other neighbours like her either and they have not complained against us either.

    It seems like these days its better to have a crap car so u dont have to worry about it, Its not right.

  3. Ok, me and some mates were having drinks at a mates place on friday night, and all of a sudden the neighbour comes out and we get in a big argument due to the noise. We werent being that niosey just some music and stuff. She kept saying yous will get your you bastards. Well came out in the morning and iv had my car keyed from head light to tail light and its realy deep. Spray painted said its need a full side respray which will cost me between $1500 and $2000. Cops were called but nothing can be done. Im just so angry as its my pride and joy and iv spend over 5k of my hard earned money on it.

  4. homemade eyelids on my old rolla

    thats pretty good!! not bad for DIY.. looks very similar to the C-One Eyelids..

    i would know.. i bought 'Angelo's :D


    hey yuri, whats up man?.. where can i get those head lights??

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