I could hear a rattle, but noone else did, that seemed to come from under the steering wheel. I could hear it when stopped in reverse, first thing in the morning, when the engine was revving high, and when going over small bumps, not big ones, so it was obviously something oscilating at certain frequencies. I took quite a few panels off the interior looking for a loose connector hitting the panels, because thats what it sounded like, but found nothing there. I then discovered that the noise wasn't really coming from under the steering wheel; the sound was being transmitted through the panels from lower down. It turned out to be the side panel of the console. I pulled out the plastic retaining stud int the panel next to the foot rest, put a peice of thick cardboard with a hole for the stud behind the panel, and replaced the stud. Now there is total silence. I am going to replace the cardboard with a peice of rubber or foam in the future. I wish I had found the problem straight away, as it was in the easiest possible place to fix. if i pop the stud will it go back in?, I want to have a look but I dont want to stuff the panel up. If you put your fingers behind the panel near the stud, it is quite easy to pop out the stud. You can test if this is where the problem is by putting something behind the panel to stop it vibrating, and go for a drive before putting something there permanently. The stud just pushes in again. legend....that is exactly the stud i was refering to....many thanks...i will go to the local clark rubber grab some filling and give it a try...I have a sneaky suspicion that will fix it....I will let you all know...kudos