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Posts posted by justin_es

  1. LOL

    yeah it was an awesome cruise guys

    i think probably the best i ever been on hehe

    i thought the whole drive back from the BBQ was hectic LOL

    i dont think sunny will bring his dog next time hey HEHEHE LOL

    anyways early into JANUARY ill get the canberra cruise ideas happening so everyone keep an eye out for it


    also dylan did everyone pay up or did some of them take off

    i hope none of it came out of your pocket seeing as though you went through the trouble of getting the whole BBQ done for our arrival

  2. irritate

    sand irritates me cus it gets up your pants in ya crack LOL

    and when your ready to leave for somereason you can never always get ALL the sand off your feet

    there is always someleft when you put your shoes back on

  3. excelent its ok cus ill be doing a head count as everyone turns up anyways so that way i can pass numbers onto dylan

    just to be safe that way we can make sure he has enough for everyone before we get there LOL

    but its good everyone is giving numbers now that way he wont have to run around in a rush before we get there

    cheers guys'

    also dylan myself and a passenger too

  4. HAHAHAHaaa......No seriously i'll bring the quote i got from that company and show you, XOom and everyone else!!!Too hey dun leave me out here by myself it was your idea too!!!!!LOL :P

    i know champ ill help out im just playing games

    just i donthave many contacts and never really done anything like this before

    so its all gonna be VERY new to me

  5. ill still come out when i get my new car just have to HALF ACCELERATE everywhere for you blokes

    Its all good justin just use full throttle .... YOU'LL NEED IT :P :P :P just like all those other commodore boys who think they can keep with the blue bombshell .... until ofcourse all u see are my hazards :P :P :P :P :P

    LOL i was joking

    doesnt take much work to even get a 5.7 litre running high 11's low 12's

    by then all new commies are 6.0L anyways V8s ofcourse

    probably the wrong place to say this but oh well its on topic

    im a big holden fan

    alwayshave been always will be, ive only ever had commodores apart from this 1 car my stivo(i had my reasons), but never again my next car is going to be another commodore

    i know most fo you probably wont like my decision but oh well LOL

    BOGAN :P

    jk mate :D

    it's all good, get whatever you feel the most comfortable with :)

    lol not just any commie gotta be a V8 UTE ofcourse

    that looks even more bogan LOL

    anyway im not gonna get all excited about it now, wont happen for a couple of years anyways lol

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