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  1. I have a 2011 Touring with 154,000 kms on it, I only put 98 premium petrol in it, and I keep the services up to it at the scheduled times. I use the cruise control on the highways and consistently get about 7.6L/100kms on long trips (about 8.2L/100kms on the freeway during the 40min trip the Central Coast to Hornsby) and driving around the Coast it's about 9.0L/100kms and I'm very soft on the pedals. Car still takes off about the same speed as the other cars. Very happy with my 8 year old Aurion.
  2. Thanks Bangtown, I did see that post earlier. At the time I was thinking "Not COMPATIBLE" and "Not SUPPORTED" was two different things. ie. Not compatible meant "don't even think about trying" and not supported meant "It recognises it, but you need a fix of some description". It's just about due for the 30k service. I'll mention it to the service dudes when it goes in. If I get a fix, I'll post it here and on that thread you suggested. Thanks again
  3. Hi gang, Just had a look thru the forum for previous issues with bluetooth and can't see my particular problem addressed before so here goes: Aurion 2011 Touring - had it 18 months and love it! Factory radio It bluetooths my Samsung Galaxy S3 perfectly, calls and audio (mp3/tune in radio etc etc) It bluetooths my wife's new Samsung Galaxy Ace BUT will only do the audio. When we try to use it as a phone a message comes up "Not supported" on the car. Interestingly, when pairing, the car gives the pass code (0000) for the phone but the phone doesn't show that it needs the passcode to be input into it. I've deleted the phone off the car and the car off the phone a couple of times and re done it following the instructions from scratch but no joy. Any ideas? My wife drives the Aurion more than I do - and I don't want to swap phones, I have too much stuff on it. Thanks for any help
  4. 2011 Touring, 6 months old, best I've seen is down to 7.2L/100kms on the freeway with 95 fuel sitting on 110kph and reving just under 2,000 (usually it's about 7.4L/100kms). Around town it's about 8.8-9.0L/100kms. Happy with that considering the book says 9.9litres/100kms. We don't drive like a grandpa but we don't flog it either.
  5. That's interesting my Aurion Touring is the same. When we first got the car (new) every so often we'd back out of the driveway forgetting to take the park brake off. You can reverse fine. It doesn't like going forwards tho! We're just on due for the 15K service. Was going to mention it to the dealership. I think it's unrelated, but we always get a soft thump in the rear of the car, sounds like something clicking into place. This happens EVERY time we reverse out of our driveway and put it in drive and move off. Still, interesting so many people's park brakes don't appear to work in the reverse direction.
  6. Thanks guys What's interesting is we've owned 2 previous Toyotas, an 89 CSX Camry that we sold to buy the Aurion - had 460,000kms on the clock and was still going fine, the other is a 95 Camry Vienta Touring which we still have and it has 480,000kms on it and you can't kill it with a stick! BOTH cars didn't do the air pressure thing, neither did the Ford Falcon, the Ford Cortina, the Nissan TRX or the HQ "3 on the tree" Holden we've owned before that. It's just this car and it's when the young bloke winds the window down in the back. Don't think it happens in the front. I was thinking it might be the shape of the car. Seems to be wider in front than the back. Anyway we are pretty much doing as you suggested, winding another window down. Might invest in weather shields. Thanks again for your comments.
  7. Hi, we bought a 2011 Aurion Touring about 6 months ago. Very happy with it. We've found that when a window is opened, particularly in the rear we get a wopwopwopwopwop air pressure sound and feel that is hard on the ears. It starts around 40kph and gets worse the faster you travel. Anyone have a similar issue? What causes it and how can we fix it short of only rolling down the window about an inch? Thanks for any insights you can give.
  8. Hi, we bought a 2011 Aurion Touring about 6 months ago. Very happy with it. We've found that when a window is opened, particularly in the rear we get a wopwopwopwopwop air pressure sound and feel that is hard on the ears. It starts around 40kph and gets worse the faster you travel. Anyone have a similar issue? What causes it and how can we fix it short of only rolling down the window about an inch? Thanks for any insights you can give.
  9. Welcome to the Toyota forums mediaspacetj :)

    1. mediaspacetj


      Thanks mate, some good info here. Stumbled on your site looking for ways to fit seat covers to my 2011 Aurion.

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