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Photography Tour 29TH April 2007 Sunday evening (sydney)

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I know that there a quite a few of you guys out there who are interested in photography but might not know how to get started and there's also quite a few guys who have a good idea and good tips for those of us who don't.

My theory is that everybody has their own style and perspective on things and what better way is there to learn then on location with a group of people you can bounce your ideas off and get feed back and ideas from.

So if you think you're up for it why not come out and show us your creative side this time I thought we'd have a go at photographing the bridge and the city sites around it.

DATE: 29TH April 2007

MEET:4:30 @ Alfred ST Mills Point (just under the bridge near the Olympic pool)



*Tripod is a must

*familiarise yourself with settings on your camera (read the book that came with it)

*jumper/jacket and drink

*fully charged set of spare batteries

thanks Craig

Edited by puzzle man
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