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1990 GLX Cressida - 7MGE Engine Rebuild


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Hi Guys,

So if you remember me (or not) I had the Silver Cressy. I unfortunately encounteres some terminal oil leaks which at the time was too great of a cost for me to get diagnosed.

I've decided against the 1J for now as thats something I might do once I come off my p's since now that my cars been unreg for a while ill need to provide the engi cert and thats like saying here im putting a turbo in my car come get me. The 7mge is fine enough when rebuilt since all the gremlins from factory can be ironed out.

The reason why this has taken so long is due to my misses getting really sick and was in icu for 3 weeks early on this year with a sever case of septicemia. She is fine and well now, just been difficult to fund the car without her having a job. She is hoping to find a job in the next few weeks and then ill be able to put some time and money into the car again.

Hopefully it will start off with the engine removal and getting a diagnosis of what has gone wrong and hopefully most of the internals are fine.

Ill keep this here as a placeholder so I can chuck up some stuff once it starts.

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