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Echo knocking noise in front.


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I own a toyoto echo 2004 over almost 1 year by now. When i bought it the condition was fine. But after some months, its showing some noise problem which comes from the front side of the car. Noise is particularly like a knocking like which can be felt inside the car. To describe it in a proper way its like this - after the car is warmed up after some time when kept shift in a drive mode the sound is clear and loud, but shifting the transmission into neutral or parking makes sound go away. I have been driving shifting transmission to neutral all rest of the time because of this problem. I have spent over 1500 changing the engine mounts and other silly serving but the result has not sort out yet. Can i please have your advice how i can fix this problem. Additional info, today while testing the car myself i found that while applying the brake the noise is audible but releasing make sound go away.. pleas suggest




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