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Posts posted by tiet

  1. dont meant to be ignorant but what are these slimlines you talking about? <_<

    lol the weather guard things along the windows, that block out the rain and wind

    oh lol

    Really you cant get them? some people hate those things, I like it when i park my car somewhere I can wind my windows down a little bit on a hot day, if it decides to rain no problem!

    Im not sure if these are on the New Zealand model Corollas...

    yeah thats why i want them :) its a factory option but i bought my car second hand see

  2. SEXY!!, sometimes i wished i got black or white

    hmmm i asked my mate at toyota to ask the parts department and they said they cant get the slimlines :( only the regular ones for the two fronts

    dont meant to be ignorant but what are these slimlines you talking about? <_<

    lol the weather guard things along the windows, that block out the rain and wind

  3. Hi i was wondering if anyone knew where i could buy a red Sportivo Badge?

    I'm sure you can get them from your local Toyota Dealer's Parts Dept.

    yeah i figured that too but i didnt want to pay like 20 for the badge -_- i was thinking if theres imitations lol

    does anyone know how much the badge would cost at a toyota dealer anyways?

  4. spotted silver rolla with hid kit tailing 2 jdm civics heading towards holsworthy station lastnight bout midnight.....

    lol busted :)

    lol y u hanging with our arch enemy the honda civic shame on u... <_<

    ahahahhahah technically most of my friends are arch enemies, damn honda's, i wanted something different :) tivo FTW!

  5. ok found out the problem, some how the big nut in the middle came loose the one that holds the whole unit thing to the drive shaft, you know the big bolt in the middle of the stud pattern. not sure how it came loose but it did, tightened it and sounds gone thanks for all the help though

  6. hey thanks again to everyone that helped and replied i got the installed today, did it with my friend and brother it was a mission to get the front bar back on lol here are some pictures :)

    i decided to change my foggys and park lights at the same time, white parkers and white foggys :) though in the pictures the fogs dont look white, in real life it looks white/green



  7. 21 point safety checks? never heard of it

    nah even with the wheel on the whole tyre shakes left right up and down with the nuts tightened


    you are obviously not able to diagnose and repair this yourself.

    lol yeah i know my friends a mechanic and his going to come by and look at it

  8. well hopefully i don't have to get set back $600+, if its only going to cost me $200ish i'd be happy with that, thanks for the replies everyone,

    if anyone else has an idea please post :)

    i will post details after my friend checks it out when he has the time, i want to be completely sure what the problem is, i dont want to get ripped off lol

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