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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. Alright...

    here we go I'll try to explain it as best I can...

    1) Detergents use a fluoressing agent to make things sparke this can be seen through the UV sensing eyes of bugs (to test simply put some detergent into a glass with some water and havd a water standard and compare under a 'black' light, the detergent one will glow). This is why you notice it the most when and soon after cleaning your car.

    2) If you were to view a white car with a UV camera you will notice that it reflects an aweful lot of ultra violet (compared to darker colours) which attracts the little buggies (esp bees).

    But why are the bugs attracted more so to this colour and or violent light than other animals like dogs, dinosaurs and whales?? :P

  2. motoman - check out the workshop section for my guide on the installation - or you can always call me on my mobile. Davin did.....im thinking he's glad he did too :D

    The CAI topic is almost as hot as the dyno one..hahaha mx83 has a point but in the same sence the TRD gear is very expensive for what it is.

    Hey guys dont forget Warwick from Bowater!!!!!!!! in NZ he also can get cheap TRD gear.


    TRD and parts specialist

    Bowater Toyota Nelson

    0800 BOWATER


    Courtesy of Rollamods

    and dont forget there is a pinned section at the top of the corolla section for all the parts etc you'll ever need :D

  3. i was exactly the same my first test drive was with some old bloke and i got in and drove it i didnt take the time to adjust my seating or the mirrors and i was warned not to do anything silly and keep to all speed limits so basicly all i did was see how the car cruised at 50kms for 5 min

    i turned far away from it but then i decided to go to another dealer tell them whats going on and what cars im thinking of

    they gave a me another young bloke little older than me to go on a drive with me

    i took all the time in the world adjusted the seat and mirrors just as it was mine and gave it a good ahrd boot

    well i did another u turn i signed up for it that day didnt think twice about the other cars

    hahaha i think that sums up alot of ppl's test drive experiance :D

    lift...its a drug i tell you.....

  4. hey to all i couldnt find the new memebers introduceing section so ill just post it here but also i wouldnt mind finding out where it is anyway as i can just post it again there too


    my name is Justin i just recently bought a brand new 05 toyota corolla sportivo wich i am very happy with

    im just a little over 6 foot tall

    brown hair and eyes

    a fairly decent medium build

    i live in the penrith area

    i love all cars but obviously i have a favourite at the moment

    love going on cruises and meets

    girls obviously not many guys that dont lol

    music and pretty much anything the general 19 year old likes

    but due to some not so nice experiences very ealry in getting my licence a few years back i consider myself fairly sensible on the road to

    but then again everyone thinks that of themselves dont they lol

    anyway nice to meet you all please say hello


    Welcome aboard Justin........

    Hey Steve, I didnt realise this was a dating service page also :P

    ON a serious note you'll be a liftaholic before you know it. *raises hand* I know i am :rolleyes:

  5. Talking about over drive, you should have a chat to Wei Wei. He overdrives his Stivo all the time. :lol:

    i dont drive my car that hard silva :P

    only when needed really...but than again where i live, thats needed all the time hehehe :P

    sunnybank is like RACE WARS !! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    "hey where is wei wei going???"............ " Dude he just raced Jonny tran for pinks!"


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