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Danthuyer last won the day on September 26 2016

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About Danthuyer

  • Birthday 04/15/1978

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  • Gender*
  • Toyota Model
    '96 White Paseo Coupe
  • Interests
    Classic Cars

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  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Dylan how are you old friend ! Well atleast your car hasnt been written off, that always the worst scenario I talked to Yoshi recently and he has of course looked after snowflake and hardly put any K's on it ... i think he said it still has less than 150K ! I am looking at getting a couple of new cars at the end of this year and I joking told the wife I was going to buy the old rolla.... I cant repeat what she said... even Navy Sailors would blush !
  2. That video was with TRD CAI, TRD Headers and the full CES system, however that CES exhaust had a larger than normal resonator ... I hope that gives you an idea of what things will sound like with the bolt ons that you have
  3. TFIF !!! Thank #$%^ its Friday

  4. Bill, you liar you didnt spend enough ;) i'm sure you could have wasted more money on that little car if you tried
  5. yes sir it certainly does fit, its only the outisde which is slightly different of the car
  6. Listen to Cha54 he knows what he is talking about !!!
  7. CES will sound different on your car as it will to someone elses car, they are not 100% exactly the same. the CES exhaust by itself on the car sounds GREAT without being droony and or bleeding your ears on long highway drives. Add headers and or CAI to the car again .. and the sound changes again !!! Youtube Vid -
  8. Any of the Redline oils is a good choice for the Stivo box mate and any competent person can change it for you with minimal charges. As for the crunch, get the clutch adjusted first and see if it improves... if it doesnt after the adjustment and the new fluid then look at swapping it out for something nicer, I always liked the excedy sports one for daily driving with a bit of heavy footness thrown in now and then ;)
  9. Here is my Rolla ....
  10. I want to buy back 'snowflake' Josh sell it back to me ... I miss it !!!
  11. Nice run guys. Sorry I couldnt stay for lunch and catch up with you all, but the little princess was asleep and I didnt want to bore her too much longer with driving :( although she did enjoy the bends through the nasho ! Nice shots michelle - esp the ones out the sunroof ! Hope you all had a good day :D Sads P.S - If you look close in the picture you can see Danella in the back of the car telling daddy to go FASTER !!
  12. yup i picked it up mid week its a nice ride :D
  13. Place me as tentative please guys I will see if the mrs will let me come but with the new house move and stuff I doubt it... but you never know !!!!
  14. I doubt I will be coming on cruise as I have alot of work to do on the new house (moving etc) the paseo is still around but has been given back to the mrs untill the baby arrives :)
  15. ill see your steak and raise you a beer or two !!!
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