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About blue_rolla

  • Birthday 06/11/1988

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  • Toyota Model
    2003 Toyota Corolla Ascent

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia

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  1. ahhh man this would have been a perfect time to give the supra a run.. too bad its got some dodgy hoses which need fixing first.. such a shame..
  2. its your fuel map - its got a nasty hole... thats why you're unloading in third. just tune the NOS timer and you'll run 9s
  3. i most certainly did have that problem in my corolla.. man.. it was terrible.. i sprayed glen20 and that fixed it for some time, then it would come back again a few months later... its weird though, coz it comes and goes, depending on certain conditions.. i put the air conditioning on in the supra the other day, to demist the windscreen... faaarrrkkkk it was wretched... i'll have to try the glen 20 remedy again and see what happens.. air conditioners suck like that..
  4. CARDBOARD RICE Check that link out.. I cracked up. There's pics scattered through the first 4 pages... verryy funny stuff...
  5. most people would say "im not copping a 10,000... 20,000... 80,000 (depending on the $$$ poured into your car) fine for this.. im outta here..." how do you think the media will portray the story when a family of 5 gets wiped out by a "hoon" running from the cops cos he doesnt want his pride and joy taken away from him?
  6. 999,724 going well so far dylan...
  7. spotted andrew (limz_rolla) on statham avenue today .. i flashed at the last second when i realised who it was...
  8. a standalone fuel management system... not a bad way to spend 10 grand...
  9. that looks very very cool mate.. nice work..
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