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Posts posted by PsychoRez

  1. But the Aurion already has a Digital Speedo, of some sorts. But only if you have the version that comes with GPS.

    - Press the Display button

    - Firmly press your finger on the top side of the screen, then the lower side of the screen. Do this 6 times

    - Go to Vehicle Sensors and voiala. You should find it there. Will show you both KM and MPH!

    Down side is that you can't listen to the radio or music while this is on.

  2. GARR!.

    I guess this is sort of related so here goes:

    What Oil is recommended for the Aurion?. I asked Toyota to see if i could change the Oil myself and they told me yeah.

    Because taking it so service is too damn expensive here and I'm busy with college and and stuff. So sometimes i can't take it to Toyota for a while. Last time i took it there after 4000Km's above the range i was supposed to take it in. I felt like sh!t. Felt like the engine was being damaged due to the lack of Oil but it was mostly psychological i bet.

    I have to take it to service every 5000Km's.

    So i figured if it's okay to change the Oil then ill do just that whenever is needed until i take it to Toyota afterward. So, Any recommendations?.

    And what do you guys think about Synthetic Oil?. My friend told me that it sort hurts performance but it sure does sound convenient. So would appreciate input on that!.

  3. PsychcoRez...I'm guessing you pay pittance for petrol in Bahrain? How much per litre for 95 and 98??

    When converted to aussieland dollars, 98 = 0.418819AUD per litre.

    Actually I've been told our premium is 98 but i never really checked up on it. Might ask the next time i head in for a refill. But it makes sense since i get such high fuel average all the damn time.

    Yesterday i was driving in short bursts and a bit fast i guess, And my fuel average was 19!, But maybe its because i didn't drive for a long period of time and i had just poured fuel that morning "Takes time till it averages out?. Now its at 14.

  4. Hopefully the engine stays the same!. Don't ask me why but i would be annoyed if they made the engine stronger in that model. Since its not exactly a brand "new" different model. They just added different front bumper, Tail light.

    The interior is different than the ones we currently have in the middle east, But I'm fine with that.

  5. In my country our regular is 95 and our premium is 98, But i still use the premium for the piece of mind, And the extra few HP's make you feel better at least Lol. And its no wonder i get 13L/100Km's +, Guess 98 Burns faster than 95/91.

    Nowa days I'm averaging out at 13L/100Km, Minimum i got for a while is 12L/100KM. I just very rarely get an average below those. Before even 13's were impossible to get for me, Guess i changed my driving habits a bit, Been driving slower now days.

    One day i was driving during the day, The weather was fantastic, Some cloud in the sky, I looked at my gauges and i couldn't believe my eyes!, 9.8L/100Km!!!. And it even went lower to 95 and 94, I was ecstatic, I started taking pictures with my mobile phone.

  6. My friend said the same thing about mine, "Just like a lexus" when he sat inside. Of course i don't agree, But i haven't sat in a lexus for a while so dunno.

    Wouldn't be surprised if they did, The engine is the same one you get in a Lexus ES350. Not sure interior wise. We here in the middle east get an interior pretty similar to the new Camry's, Just some different bits like the gauges and stuff.

  7. So basically, There is no way to avoid it?. I take my car to the car wash every now and then, And i usually drive fast so my discs are also usually hot. I actually touched one of them once, And i wasn't even driving for long, It almost melted my finger.

    So basically i have to avoid the car wash?. Or make sure my discs aren't too hot before i go through one?. Bah.

    Well thanks anyway!. Its good to know this is a normal thing.

  8. I went to the dealer yesterday to get a slight issue with my sunroof fixed, It wasn't "automatic" but the guy fixed it with an easy reset method...

    Anyway, I also told him my vehicle pulls slightly to the left "Very slightly", So we went for a test drive, He mentioned it's not a "serious" issue, But i insisted it still needed to be fixed.

    During the drive the man noticed my steering wheel shakes when braking from 100Kmph or so. To be honest i was speeding right before i arrived at the place, And i did brake hard a few times at high speed so i assumed it was just the brakes tightened up because of it.

    He says its not normal, That my discs need "Facing". But i dunno, My car is only 17,000KM's in so i don't see how i could be having braking issues this soon. Plus the shakes were there way before too.

    I notice that the shakes happen when i brake a bit hard at 140 - 150Kmph's and beyond. I always assumed this was simply the ABS or something..., So i didn't pay much attention to it. And usually after i brake hard at those speeds the first time, Afterward it feels like the system is more "Alert" so some shaking might happen at lower speeds too.

    So i don't know. My question is:

    Is this Normal?. If not then how did this happen?.

    Thanks in advance!.

  9. Ill be honest. I've been eying them sporty grills for a while now. Do they come standard in the sports version or did everybody just install em after the purchase?.

    I'm seriously thinking of "converting" my car to look like the sport models. Where i live they only offer the Presera and the Prodigy "Grande and touring". No sport version!.

    One day I'm hoping i can order TRD body parts and get them installed. And hopefully some nice black 17 - 18" black rims that weigh just as much or hopefully a bit less than the current stock hunks of metal on my ride.

    Anyway, Those are some badass front grills, Nice shots everybody!. Can anybody tell me if they can be ordered from somewhere?.

  10. Well, I can confirm its not the Motor for the rear window shade. I have the Grande "Presera?" version with the shade and that thing is not in my trunk.

    However, Instead of the box i have a fire extinguisher. So who knows, Maybe its a box to hold the fire extinguisher?...I dunno!.

  11. I have done 220Kmph a few times. I don't think it was unstable or anything, Think the condition of the road has more to do with that. I don't know i my tires are built for those types of speeds, I do know the tires we get with the Aurion here are different than the ones you guys get in Aus, Dunlop, right?. We get Yokohoma here, Don't really know much about tires so i don't know if thats any better, Definitely need to check up on it.

    And of course I'm not expecting some super performance out of the car, I know my car's limits!. It's just nice to have the option to go that fast when needed.

  12. Thank for the response DJKOR!.

    And WOW pegaxs, Highly appreciate the detailed response!.

    Yeah, I'm talking about the actual speed limiter!, Yes it limits the car to 220Kmph or so, 6th gear is basically useless when you're going that fast in the Aurion because you don't even use it!.

    And yeah, The only thing i fear after doing this is wind and handling issues!, At those sorts of speeds things like strong wind can become serious issues, correct?. I don't really think going 250-260Km/h will make my transmission overheat..Will it?. I just want to have the option to go faster when needed "When testosterone kicks in", If you know what i mean.

    But i still don't know how to do it. I guess i should wait until somebody around here learns how to do it.

  13. I used to have this issue. Emailed Toyota about it and they contacted me in like, 2 days. Didn't take a while before i got an appointment either, I think another day or two and i was at the Bodywork center. They fixed it for me in 1 hour or so. Pretty quick and efficient!.

    Now the noise is GONE completely, I suggest you take it to Toyota as soon as possible.

  14. Hello!.

    I wonder if anyone of you tried taking out the limiter on the Aurion?. I might be willing to do it but first i have some questions!.

    1- HOW?.

    2- Will Toyota know i took it out when i take the car in for service?.

    3- Will it HARM the engine in any way?.


    And that's all i can think of for now.

    But what i really want to know is if it will wear the engine down, Reduce its life?. I mean i know i wouldn't thrash it up to 260Kmph everyday, But i'd just like to know. I'm the kind of person that gets pretty obsessed about these sort of things. Basically would like to know the negatives when it comes to doing this, An experienced opinion would be highly appreciated.


  15. Sort of reminds me of a Lincoln in a way. Definitely looks to be a car for an older person though.

    I agree. I sat in one before i got an Aurion and it just felt suited for older people. Everything from the design of the wooden parts to the dash/nav buttons. I could have gotten it, But then i found out it was the same exact engine as the Aurion, And the Avalon just felt bigger to me so i figured it would be slower due to weight and body shape. Aurion is definitely sportier and I'm happy with the choice i made!.

    THANK GOD though i didn't get the 2008 Avalon..., Because just recently they beefed up the Avalons here in the middle east upto 280HP "Maybe so it can keep up with the Aurion?". I would have been ****** if i had already gotten the inferior one. God i hate it when car companies do this, Its just not right.

  16. My gauge is usually below the middle by a bit. But lately its been averaging at the middle and i think i know why. Its usually hot in my country so my AC is mostly turned on. Its only cold in the winter for me.

    For some reason its because i don't turn on my AC nowa days, Weather is pretty cold so i don't need to. Of course i was worried when i noticed the needle wasn't in its regular spot. But recently i tried Turning on the air conditioner for a while and guess what, The needle goes below the middle point right back to the usual point.

    So i guess its normal.

  17. Well if you had asked this question two months ago i would probably say the rattling noises that came from the dashboard area, But that's fixed now.

    And i find the Aurion pretty quiet?, The only thing i can hear while driving is the air, And the cement, And that's only when i go fast. Engine noise too i guess, But its lovely :D

    Right now I'd say the worst part is probably the pulling to the left bit, But for me its a minor issue, But still sort of annoying.

    Another thing is the Sequential doesn't shift as fast as you want when you're flooring it, But that's not a big issue for me really. You can make it shift when you want it if you ease off the throttle as soon as you shift, And it works, But i still can't do it fast enough. Haven't exactly tried it much either.

    Limiter. :P

  18. Hello.

    I've been wondering about this for a while now, And its almost impossible for me to know the answer to this.

    I lately been paying attention to how the car performs on the roads, And really began to notice how firm it really is. Its like i can feel every single bump on the road. And some of the roads in my country are f.u.c.k.e.d up, And then some. Most city indoor roads anyway, Especially the ones near my house. And lately they've been doing some construction on the roads and actually managed to **** it up even more, I feel like chunks of rubber get torn off my tires every time i go through.

    Anyway, Is this a normal thing?, To feel every single tiny uneven surface on the road?. I'm not complaining, I just want to know if this is the case with all other Aurions out there and not just mine.

    It could be a number of reasons, Like maybe ALL the roads in my country aren't straight?.

    Or maybe its because of my tires?, I have been riding pretty hard lately, Screeching out once or twice every day *Not anymore though*. The other day i took a look at my tires and noticed chunks of rubber missing, It could be the screeching or the roads, I'm blaming the roads. Can that have a big effect on driving softness?. I really don't remember if it was always like this.

    I am HOPING its nothing serious, That it is just how the Aurion is. So anybody care to help out?. Thanks!.

  19. Eh i dunno. Lately I've been paying attention to my fuel average. And it is VERY MOODY.

    I mean one time i got it to go up to 30L/100KM, But that was for a brief while. A few days back, Right after i filled her up with fuel, I floored it at the turn that leads me to the main road, And it went from 13L/100KM to a whopping 28L/100KM, And it stayed there for a short while, Then got reduced to 26L/100KM. Then i drove slow for a good while and it eventually got below 20L/100KM, But it took a while. I really don't get it.

    I have NEVER gotten 9.9L/100KM, And i only got 10L/100KM ONCE or TWICE. Ever since i got the car, When i drove it, it was always 14 - 18L/100KM average. Then one day i let my friend drive it And i was AMAZED when i saw a 12L/100KM on the fuel average listing. Guess it has something to do with the way i drive =/.

    Right now i have 15000KM's on the car, And the fuel average is at 13.8L/100KM. Before i NEVER got 13's. I noticed i started getting these low readings when i let my friends drive the car :D

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