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Everything posted by XploShun

  1. o great! hurry hurry! coz i just emailed him.. this morning.. hope the seller is ok with it! u guys got my bank details.. well my gf's.. please deposit the money at an ANZ branch asap.. best tomorrow.. thx man!
  2. XploShun - NSW lucida - NSW kenneth - WA great! 3 now! im pretty sure it comes with everything!
  3. hey neK are you in?? ive sent bank details to encounta already.. hurry hurry hurry...
  4. yeh! can do! i meant.. get another person to pair up! so.. you guys are in?? i'll order it.. need to give u bank details too.. just closed my westpac account.. sooo.. you guys have to transfer/deposit into my hsbc bank..
  5. yeh.... the honda ppl are saying they're so great and stuff.. but they say its a noisy tyre where are they made??? have you got them already? im gonna ask for the price at the same shop.. if its cheaper than 200.. im getting it! i'll be saving 80 overall!! then i can get door sills!!! hahahaha btw.. $195?? where where where??????
  6. XploShun - NSW lucida - NSW i think so too.. but esuse makes heaps of foggies for other cars as well.. and they're alright. dunno the quality of others... hope this will work out!
  7. from different suppliers and kcorro is not longer organising the pre facelift foggie for $140. only the facelift one is on... need to go to OWF site
  8. hey ken! 2nd GB have already ended!!! but if you still want one.. go find 1 from syd.. coz the seller is trying to get the other 4 intakes this week.. he said he will send the 6 intakes by today/tomorrow.
  9. wow! if yes, do they have it in ALLEX as well?? anyway.. put my name down 1st... i'll see if i have enough money after the foggies and short shifter.... i want BLUE. thx mish!
  10. i'll ordering a set of tyre 205/50/16 later this afternoon.. deciding.. yoko s. drive $215 or dunlop sports maxx $210 its actually a dunlop retailer... and the guy kept saying.. the sports maxx is good.. stuff like.. last longer, quieter and stuff like that... any1 using any of these??? or suggest other better tyre.. for around the 200?
  11. not sure man! id say 50/50. he should have them in stock mid this week.. and post them soon. let u guys know when he post them.. OK?
  12. will NEED to know whos in or not asap!!! PLEASE PUT DOWN YOUR NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. hey hope rolla can help us.. then we're in!!!
  14. my bro used toyo, pirelli, and currently yoko.. he said toyo finishes a lot faster.. dunno y.. korean brand mayb? :P his pirelli lasted for around 2 yrs.. pirelli isnt that expensive... if you dont look at their top of the range products.. Pirelli's P6000 or P7 (4got) cost around the same as the yoko's A drive R1.. hes using A drive R1 now coz.. its a little cheaper. im gonna go and get some quotes for the A drive/S drive tomorrow...
  15. thx man!!! hope to hear some good news! :)
  16. fuk need to decide which brand!! yoko or pirelli? anyway.. for a 16x7 rim.. cant go wrong with 205 50 16, right?
  17. ive got svk's already! sorry man..
  18. well.. some said.. the ones from the wreckers.. sux.. its cost like 200 to get the whole thing.. and the clips break and all.. i dunno if ebay is good or not... but if u check.. they mainly sell foggies.. so i guess it should be alright.... they said its the same as ozeparts.. but just different factory.. :s... darrrrrrr! im not too worried about the fitting.. since.. i wont know how to install it anyway.. i'll have to pay electrician to do the job.. so it will fit for sure. 02? then its a pre facelift.. then it must fit.. unless you have a sedan.. im not 100% sure.. man.. i'm waiting for mish and rolla's reply...... hope they can help.. if cant.. im just gonna get this myself.. hey lucida!! maybe u can join me.. save $20 a set man!
  19. hey man.. check the previous page.. or something like that.. its there :)
  20. how is this a 1.5 wk gb? its more like 4 day gb.. any update on the postage? 1.5 wk group buy as in order now and get them in 1.5 wks much quicker than any other source i've ever seen. oooops sorry.. 5-10 working days = 1.5wk... wasnt thinking :P.. anyway.. are you still organising this??
  21. ok thx guys! i paid 3 pairs already... cant pay eric's & svk's yet... coz.... WHERES THE ADDRESS!!!!
  22. how is this a 1.5 wk gb? its more like 4 day gb.. any update on the postage?
  23. hey rolla! can u help us get them???????? plzzzzzzzzz or can they post them to any states???
  24. 2nd Pair: SexOnWheels - Springvale (VIC) jaderd - Greensborough (VIC) 3rd Pair: eric - Taylors Lakes (VIC) svk - Deer Park (VIC) hey!! where do you want the intakes????? qkslvr.. i'll check tomorrow
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