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Everything posted by XploShun

  1. thx jaderd i'll ask the seller later if hes able to to send them in 3s.. or give us a smaller discount per intake... i can always post it to u guys.... will ask him.. how heavy for 1 intake.. then i can estimate the LOCAL postage. eg.. for the QLDer.. since u guys live soooo far away from each other.. i guess it will be better for u guys to post it...... like get it sent to bris then.. natz can post it to townsville..you guys can share the cost... will probably cost $10 each. btw... i need you guys to make up ur mind by.. this FRIDAY!!! will give u the FINAL PRICE and ACCOUNT details by the weekend. MUST PAY BEFORE MONDAY NIGHT (if internet banking)! then i'll probably get the $$ by Wednesday.. and pay him soon. so.. whos in who out.. LET ME KNOW PLZ...
  2. ermm.. then it'll be unfair for eric coz hes the one asking me to start the 2nd gb... we'll see man
  3. ok heres the list so far NSW: 1st Pair to magic qkslvr - Fairfield magic - Douglas Park SPRTVO - ??? daviboy - North Shore are you guys in for sure?? SPRTVO & daviboy? daviboy still in the MAYBE GB??? and SPRTVO.. you still here man???? neK and cheeky_age??? VIC: eric - Taylors Lakes SexOnWheels - Springvale jaderd - Greensborough jaderd if theres 1 more buyer from Vic.. then theres no prob.. if not, guess u have to pair up with someone in NSW, and i can get it sent to you. or maybe the buyer can send it in 3s. Just worry if in 3s then theres tax & duty on it. we'll see. QLD: natz - South Brisbane TSVRolla - Townsville same applies to you TSVRolla and natz. unless 1 of u dont mind driving 1000k to pick up the cai. TSV, do you go to Bris often? maybe u can get ur friend/ur to pick it up the cai or something. thats it... fuk.. its sooo annoying checking out the pages.. and putting names down.. if i left out someone.. let me know.. btw.. anyone wanna join the foggies GB? :) i want 1 bad!!!
  4. sorry for the delay.. ive just finished my last exam... sigh.. it was bad :( anyway... i think we have 3 buyers from melbourne.. 2 from QLD and.. some from Sydney... to neK my friend :): ... reason y they can reach 700k bcoz they drive a stivo.. they have a bigger tank... n too be honest.. fuel consumption ay... errrmm.. i used to get like at least 500k a tank.. with catback muff and headers. 550k without any mod (thats when i 1st started driving a manual) but after my rear accident.. i realised it dropped.. somewhere around 420k.. dont know why.. but its true.. after i got my cai... today.. it flashed (NO FUEL on a Wed!! FUK!!!) and i had like 460k... main reason is probabily i went to the meet.. and we drove up highway to penrith so i guess that helped a bit. and oncy told me b4.. cai will help if you're driving highways and stuff.. but worst on busy traffic.. seems to be true... and btw.. its my 1st tank after my cai.. so.. as phoboi said... the urge man! hahahhaha revin' it whenever i get the chance.... :P and im still getting 460k.. so its ok i guess... ok now i have to start organising the list... man!!! told u guys to organise the pair and stuff urself... just like magic!!! and i think someone asked for a pic of the trd cai.. b4 installed check out trdsales.com (something like that, just google the website)..... they have the pic there.. wait up.. im organising the group now.... will be updated by tonight.. :)
  5. hey!! free! coz oncy helped me! :) thx man!!!
  6. just wait and see if theres a QLDer in the gb 1st...
  7. they gave me a discount, in pairs again.. $190 AUD each including postage.. 1 pair sent to 1 address. if theres more buyer, im sure we can get a lil cheaper.. but anyway.. maybe we get all the foggies sent to 1 address and save more on postage.. any1 interested?
  8. thx sil3nt!!!! haha the 1st pic looked a lil fake... like u copy and pasted wires :P cheeky_age, you've been waiting for these pic for ageeeees.. :) convinced u yet?
  9. thx man! need 1 more pair at least
  10. bump??? no1 wants to remove their ugly black covers?
  11. Hi, does that price include freight? - where will the items be delivered? btw, Magic and I will pair up its gonna be like the 1st gb.. pair up.. and it will b sent to 1 of u.. and yes.. it includes frieght. as for TsvRolla.. go find another QLDer... or i can post it up to u if u want.. ive posted 3 tails lights to QLD.. weighted around 5.xxkg for around $22 registered. you decide magic - Douglas Park (NSW) qkslvr - Fairfield (NSW) daviboy - North Shore (NSW) TsvRolla - Mt. Louisa (QLD) anyway... exams this week!! so yeh i should start getting money next week. ok? note: if you're in.. copy the list above and put ur name down in same format.. or even better.. pair up urself.. like the 1st post. THX!!
  12. It was $336 before. SO it should be around that price. cut off date? man!! as soon as we can get 2 pairs.. we can start. you guys.... start putting ur names and suburb/state. then.. decide who ur going to pair up with.. start the list thx...
  13. hey!! its here!!! check it out! its only $144!! if you do want it. please go >>>>>>>>>>>>HERE!
  14. thats good to hear! then im not gonna waste money on those plastic cover.. thx!! just hate to switch lanes to avoid puddles... <_<
  15. oo great.. i might as well ask this... i know.. all stivos have a plastic under body panel (is that wt u call it?) on both corners & center of the front lip... i have ones on the corner but their so small that i can actually touch the pod from beneath... coz im missing the big 1 in the center and my car sits soooooooo high... <_< do conquest ascent levin ppl have that under their car??
  16. fuel consumption? errrm.. dunno man.. 1st tank after cai... lol.. its gotta bad... but u wont regret it.. the gb has finished! every1 is happy, i guess :) mish said shes got some PM about this GB.. if there are people still interested in this gb.. i can contact the seller again. and see if he can give us the same deal. ANYWAY.. if u really really want it... organise yourself in pairs... like the 1st GB... ours worked out really well :) man! thought i was the last guy to get it installed... i luv it.. best mod as every1 says...
  17. ur bro is probably taking that 30k to buy himself a type R.....
  18. sorry.. didnt know u can purchase it from castle hill... post removed
  19. great 1st meet for me... thx for organising, mish.. too bad i couldnt make it y'day...
  20. the sun is GONE.... again.. <_< anyway.. we're still meeting at villawood bunnings... right?? at 8
  21. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=7433 on kaze stivo's car... damn.. none of the url is working!
  22. wtf!! how did you find it!! thx lol we should buy portable oven for this saturday meet... and get it done! how come most of the url doesnt work in that thread!! NOOoooooooo
  23. I'm in with my missus for saturday night meet! and i think oncy is in as well my 1st ever meet!!
  24. omg!!!!! got mine installed today.. thx to Jon!!! wooohoooo!!!! its sooooo great!!! the car felt soooo different man! this tank full wont last for long!! :) bad thing about it.. is u have to warm up the car! DAMN IT! sometimes i work at 5!!! anyway! hope all u guys installed it ok skriblez... how did it go?? if everyone is done.. mod.. u can close this thread! thx!!!
  25. i have always wanted to paint them.... but i know..if its not done properly.. it will form vapour and stuff.. so i didnt do it.. but after today's heavy rain in sydney.. i just realised.. both of my head lights r covered with vapour inside the head light.. so.. now i have decided to paint it.. coz.. i guess it cant get worst! i remember there was guide on this forum about it.. but i cant find it!! (can any1 type it up if you've done it b4 or give me the url) and also.... i got eyelids... should i take it off 1st?? help help PLZ!!! btw.. should this be in.. inside & out??? lol.. i dunno...
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