dude u need to do more research...i work around the corner from carmate and carmate are not fibreglass moulders they import their bodykits by container load from places in the asia region where they cheaply mass produce bodykits where quantity not quality shows when the manufacturer makes the fibreglass kits. Its upto peoples personal opinion but from what i have seen and i have dealt with carmate i would never encourage ppl to buy carmates products, even the owners car looked like **** with a really bad fitting bodykit that looked total crap and hes the owner of carmate. I know a fibreglass moulding kit place that actually makes their kits here in sydney and offers replacement warranty if ur not happy with the way the kit fits. The part owner of this particular business said that carmate way over charge for their bodykits and are of bad quality, hes also had carmate buy kits from him because of carmates reputation going down the drain. well said