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Posts posted by Les

  1. Actually, having another think about it, I DON'T think its due to 'dodgy' tyre, but possibly a puncture whilst you were driving as the others have mentioned here.

    We have standards here in Australia and I really doubt that you would have bought a tyre that was defected from the factory. However, if it was a re-thread, maybe. But not an Ozzy Standards Aprroved tyre.

  2. Sounds like a puncture. Low profile tyres don't like being driven on flat and even for a short distance you can do damage. Because the sidewall is so small it has very little flex(unlike say a 60 series tyre) so it heats up quickly and then starts to get a distinct wear line on the side wall. If heats up enough it begins to crack then ultimately it just tears the sidewall completely out of the tyre. That sounds like what has happened :D

    = cheap tyre ..

    lucky no other damage done to you or the car.

    make sure you replace with a decent tyre, then later change ALL to decent tyres

  3. nah nah don't !!! im not complaining .. i just thought your sig (as it turns out to be) was something to do with this thread i.e. bill gates getting taken over by darth vader or sumthin .. but later realised it was your sig.. HAHAHAHAHA !!

  4. and if microsoft goes bankrupt for *** knows what reason whot happens ??

    he will have to settle for ONE corolla .. muahahha :P

    There is silent giant looming upon microsoft called Linux. It may very well happen one day. It has already begun. Something as simple as 'stable product design' could send Microsoft packing in the distant future.

    dude that is one big mytherfuker sig you got there !!!!!!!!!!!! :o

  5. Oh, don't cry everything is going to be ok. I wouldn't mind some neck things because I actually have a sore neck today :blink:

    You probably have are sore neck from trying to suck your you know what all day... ah ah ah

    Anyway, back to my question --> Anyone in Melbourne know of any place that sells TRD Neck Rest?


    I get little 5luts like u to do that



  6. Oh, don't cry everything is going to be ok. I wouldn't mind some neck things because I actually have a sore neck today :blink:

    Oh and it will take a lot more than 'lezo' to offend me .. that's what the young girls at high school used to call me .. here's hoping you aren't one of them !

    Welcome to the forums !


    Vain ***** .. that's good..

    I actually don't mind people cutting / weaving in and out of traffic so long as it is done smoothly without any cars TOO nearby, I am satisfied with that action - PASS

    No indicating to lane change - again with no cars nearby - PASS

    Not indicating at roundabouts - I WILL CHASE AND HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL U MUTHRFKR ..

    With ending lanes, I like it when EVERYONE uses the left lane right to the end in peak hour - that is what it is there for, so use it. Otherwise, it causes more congestion. What I do not like is people who do not let you in when obviously, you are not going anywhere anyway !! PASS

    know what i cant stand?

    friggen... when there are 2 lanes at a traffic light, and the left lane is a "turn left or go straight" lane, and the straight ahead light is red, but the turn left is green... and you're coming up to the clear lane about to turn left, and some loser sees that if he pulls out into the left hand lane, he can be at the front of the lights... so im sitting there waiting with a green arrow but i cant go...


    I will actually go out of my way NOT to block people, well at the lights that I know of that are straight and left anyway. ESPECIALLY DURING PEAK HOUR. Nothing worse than people steaming up behind you because you are hogging (not technically) their lane.

  8. Regardless of riding a bicycle (slower speeds) or motorbike, YOU WILL LOSE OUT is a smash with a car (obviously). Will have to stick with driving (unfortunately) ...

    AGAIN ...

    BMW driver gunning it into the roundabout .. ugh .. you get home a split second faster .. but lose a few more hairs off your head when you realise it was a bad call to rush into the roundie ..

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