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Posts posted by Les

  1. ^^ what a stupid response

    if your attached to the car would you ditch it for a turbo? what if you've babbied it and spent all this $$ what are the chances of you finding a car thats better then you currently have.

    rear cut - 4-7k

    install 2-3k

    ring bd4's best guys in business for mr2s

    Are you paying for the conversion ? If you are, then go for it

    Otherwise Green Twig can post another thread after $10k spent on turbo-ing and upgrading his car ..

  2. Funny things have happend in the past when playing sport

    Tennis - my mate was taking a big swing at the ball and when there was contact .. his racquet flew out of his hand .. it actually went further than the ball .. hahaha .. almost hit the doubles partner in the head :D

    Golf - Macquarie Uni driving range .. hired clubs, from the Pro shop .. my mate smacked the ball (or was it the ground) and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the head of the driver fly about 20 metres in front of him !! Yup, the head came off. Left with a shaft with no head.

    hahaha .. we sneaked the club back into the pro shop and grabbed him another one and did not stop laughing the rest of the time :unsure::lol:

    Basketball .. the usuals, ball gets thrown at someones balls when they are not looking .. not really that funny, but happens heaps..

    do tell ur mishaps !

  3. if you are female auto is fine ....

    If you dont mind changing gears every few secconds in traffic then manual is fine :P :P :P

    Auto: Put in D, relax and drive. :D :D :D :D

    ... and go to sleep and swerve off the road ...

    Don't get me wrong we have an auto camry and its cool ... but auto "sports" cars .. not in my world .. and its not like its an SMG

  4. WHAT?! There's extra scene after the credit?? What happened?

    Hey I liked all three X-Men!

    Spider 3 is coming next year, feat Venom and Sandman.

    ok if you dont want to know what happens, because u have not watched the movie, dont scroll down

    OK, u will remember in his lecture at the start of movie where he teleconferences with a nurse and a guy on his death bed.. something about ethics .. whether it is it ethical for someone to take over the mind of a perfectly normal able bodied person who is braindead ...

    Well, after the credits, that scene comes up but with Charles X's voice as the patient .. saying "Hello Moira" to the nurse ...

  5. Coming from a 'true X-Men fan', I'm sure you'd realise by now the entire movie doesn't fall anywhere near the original story lines.

    The movie sucked, that's just my personal opinion (also seems to be the same as a lot of other people out there as well :lol: )


    Hehe, have to agree with you, all my true X-men fan friends said it sucked and deviated from the original comics or something to that effect .. I'm just relaying the fact that there will be an X-Men 4 because none of the main characters are 'dead'

    I'm not actually a heaps big follower of the movie, but that is probably whu I did enjoy it - for the effects, fights, naked Mystique ... etc.

    Also, or those who have not watched it yet, make sure you stay until AFTER the credits !!!

    Aside: Nek, is it NOT worth watching DVC ?? Read the book a while back, and would love to watch the movie too but .. BAD REVIEWS FROM A LOT OF PPL ! Probably because they did not understand it

  6. NERDS! !!!

    Oh, I have taped the whole star trek series on FOX8 for you cuz .. get it when you are ready..

    Sweet thanks cuz .... ive got HI5 season 4 ready for you ... you said you were missing episode 5 right ???

    im sure my niece will let you borrow ....hehhehe

    cool thanks ..

    Oh, I taped it over your "Wiggles" video .. hope you dont mind ..

  7. Umm none of the main characters are dead .. if you followed the movie closely !!

    Cyclops? Jean?

    Not main characters..

    You think cyclops is dead but we never saw his body

    Jean synonymous with the phoenix force, she will rise from the dead

    (these are not my opinions, but that of true X-Men followers... )

    There will be X Men 4 ...

  8. How can you kill off so many mains in the last trilogy...

    This new director sucks.

    The movie sucked.

    These days some directors are only relying on special effects to make a movie good... that's what it felt like with X-Men 3.


    Umm none of the main characters are dead .. if you followed the movie closely !!

  9. Chopin & Changin lanes doesn't work out very well in Sydney as was proved to me yesterday. I left my house yesterday to go to a mates place, it was 3.00 in the afternoon so you would think that there would be less cars on the road than normal. After turning out of my street a guy went past me in a late model Prelude. For 15km's this guy was dodging & weaving trying to get through the traffic & I just stayed in my lane & stuck to the speed limit & I caught up to him with every red light of which I bet this driver didn't even realise. The only thing this guy acheived was to ***** all the people that he cut in front in his arrogant attempt to get somewhere & I bet if anyone said anything to him he would be out the window spitting out all kinds of abuse.

    I think its best to save your fast driving for the middle of the night as it doesn't get you anywhere during the daytime in Sydney anyway, the traffic is just to damn heavy. Besides, the only person that ends up with ****s when you try & battle traffic is yourself.


    I HATE people who chop/change .. ***** me off to no end because as you said .. they dont end up getting to their destination any quicker.

    Don't achieve much by chop/change at night either as there are more cops on the road so you keep quite close to the speed limit and AGAIN, you don't get home that much quicker.

  10. Another idiot cyclist last night .. came from the opposite side of the road and did a right turn (for him) from (his) left lane, not when his lights were green and not from the lights (where the T intersection starts i.e. he cut right about 25 metres from the intersections ..)

    This was at night .. no helmet .. no hand signals .. I should have / would have mowed him over ..

    Respect these cyclists ? Unfortunately, there are too many of you idiots on the road and you deserve to be run over


  11. So now you know what cyclists have to put up with and why they may give you the finger if you endanger their life.

    Hmm, might be wiser to keep both hands on the handle bar mate :lol:

    Maybe wear a shirt with 1 finger salute printed on the back. That way you are always ready to offend drivers that you get in the way of !

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