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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. awesome !! all you non silvers i got one word for you all !! JOIN !!!!!!!!
  2. thats good :) :) yeh my day was pretty good... im gettin better... :) didnt catch jase bludgin today.. for a change :P :P hahahah just jokin..
  3. im very well thanx pete :) did u have a good day?
  4. Wooo !!! Queen mish !! number 8 *burrrp*... number 8 *burrrrrp* i dont watch a lot of the simpsons... but thats the only thing i can remember HAHAHAHAHA :P :P
  5. hey pete!! Whats happenin people ?!?!?!
  6. yeh.. u need to b able to fall sleep.. does that mean u gotta work sunday too? Sweet!! QUEEN!!!
  7. u workin again 2morrow pete? u better get some rest if u are
  8. lol anywayz... so wheres everyone tonite?
  9. hahaha maria got angry at him today.... alex thought she was joking... but she was serious... hahaha marias like "if i was joking id be laughin right now" and she didnt laugh once LOL... i laughed tho... thought it was funny hahahaha then alex asked me if maria was jokin.... i kinda thought she was at first but then when he asked me that then i thought she was serious lHAHAHA
  10. i am i am !! :P tell pete the truth jase!! lol... he thinks im bludging hahaha
  11. haha exactly... thats why i said dont tell anyone hahaha :P i had a 2 second break pete hahahaha... funny stuff :P
  12. its ok jase... i wont say nothin....:P :P just when im on a break.. dont tell anyone LOLOLOL no way.. i havent bludged at all... i just went to go offer jase some lollies.. hahahaha.. and caught him :P
  13. yes but u were still bludging :P :P *cough* car parts *cough*
  14. hahahahahahaha.... sureeeeee... u got busted.. by ME !!! busy my bum !! hahahahaha :P and ur KING.. woohoo
  15. u werent workin when i came to your desk... hmm... let me think... wat were u lookin up ??? car parts i wonder... hard work there aye hahahahahaha :P :P :P
  16. umm not really.. its pretty easy... u just gotta know how to tell things apart.. and thats wat im still learning .. and be quick.. people are very nice... jase i hardly see lol... in his own little corner :P
  17. work was good thanx... :P.. better today.. still learning hahaha
  18. HEY ALLLLLL how are we? i miss chattin to you ppl durin the day :(
  19. hah.. just bit scary.. 1st days always scare me.. 2morrow should b better just getting used to it all..
  20. haha... it was pretty good... bit daunting.. by the end of the week i should b ok :P got krispy kreme donuts for morning tea... mmm yummy hahaha
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