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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. 2morrow is sunday.. who works sundays? YES DID IT AGAIN!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTT HAHAHAHA
  2. YAY IM QUEEN!!! HAHAHAHAHA i learnt the DOT thingy ma jiggy hahaha
  3. i can do it!!! :D probly not! still quite a bit of posts left
  4. im almost upto 1000 guys!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOTTTT
  5. YaY Bec :D * whats it like in there* jks Its pretty good guys!! Still figuring out stuff... Jase!!! So when do i get thos ugmo stickers?
  6. Yeh come on Pete, join me!! Yeh i created a paypal account and used my mums credit card.. easy as... just a click of a button :)
  7. PETE JOIN!!!! HAHAHAH i can now say it!! LOL :P
  8. hahaha YAY!! i did it!!!! :D now u can stop hassling me!! :P :P :P
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