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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. WAT?!?!?!?! WHY NOT?????????
  2. aww come on mikey... why would we lie to u bout ur smile ;) haha yay for smiles :D :D :D :D :D
  3. LIARS?? nah we being serious!!! it was like this ---> :D
  4. HAHA cant forget that smile :D
  5. Petes got it in for u mikey i think... hahaha :P ralyrt is bill.. i think from memory
  6. We'z are fantastic today!! :P Hey Mikeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :) How u boyz going?
  7. hahah go back to sleep mikey! :P too early for you to b awake haha
  8. AHAHAHA Suicide was waiting for someone to post so he could pounce!!! Good work!! Morning pete :)
  9. Thats right.. thats how it goes Pete! ;) works same way with guys too :P hahha
  10. hahaha your learning what girls like vin :) :)
  11. fantastic!!! haha not really but im ok :) hows yourself?
  12. GOO MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
  13. hahah.. guys help SuiCid3 to 400!!! nite all
  14. NOW I HAVE!!!! charms ur almost on 1000!! you'll have 1000 by the morning haha
  15. KaZe-StiVo he/she is lying!!! dont fall for ITS trap!!
  16. Yep! help me to 800.. i think i only got 2 posts to go..
  17. I know i can!!! 4 more i think.. keep goin!!!
  18. ahhhhhh whoops!!! sorry.. forgot to post... yay pete u got king for a change!! Is their somethin i can do for u ?!?! :P :P :P
  19. hahah i hope so!!!!!!! just 100 a day... not too much hahah Yes im queen bill... your task is to help pete HELP me get to 800 :) u think u can manage?
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