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Posts posted by Dead

  1. Si...(NO NELSON!!!!! BAD!!!!)


    Mate totally unnecesary :angry:

    Small mindedness is something I loathe in large amounts. How is being racist asking a question of whether or not somebody speaks fluent english from a business perspective??? And as I posted on more than one occasion I'm not racist in the slightest. For those of you who think I am then I'd suggest that you take a good hard look in the mirror. For your info most of my friends and also relatives aren't of Australian desent.

    My 2c worth....

    Now back to the game :D



    I'm a sh!t stirrer. What can I say. Most of time I'm highly controversial. I went too far this time. Fair enough. I thought is was over and done with? We all know that mate. I just stir **** (too much south park).

    You can punch me really hard sometime if you want, in the face.

    The left hand part of my jaw actually because it's still out of whack after I had surgery to get my wisdom teeth out.

    Is the word ugly?


  2. i get it when i launch stupidly hard.... but proper launches.... no tramping... :)

    Ohhhhh yeah yeah I get that here and there lol. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG

    More so around some corners, esp ones that have pitted areas in the road. Uneveness in the road causes it as well doens't it?

  3. Oh My ***!!!!!!

    its the BEST MOVIE in da world???!!!! i swear omg its soooooo goooooooood

    the cars are lyk......... the hotest things ive ever seen rx7........

    the girls are lyk......... the hotest chicks ive ever seen........

    MAN!!! and u wont believe it











    VIN DEISEL!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG thats right?!!?!? his in it!!!

    thank *** for early screening specials lolZ

    but seriously that movie hurt me alot watching all the cars get totaled!!!.....

    i really want a rear wheel drive so i can drift now.....

    pssst and turbooOz


    100 thumbs up!!!! and yes all me and my mates ripped it home loLzzzzzZ

    :) :) :) :) :) :)

    ? Vin Diesel is in it? How sure are you lol. Last time I heard he had the ****s with them and decided not to play a role in the movie.

    I hope you're right though...I really do lol.

    "After being allowed to get away by his new undercover cop friend in the first movie, fast-driving criminal Dominic Torretto (Diesel) heads down to Mexico where he lives a life as a fugitive, always just 10 seconds ahead of the law. Eventually, however, Torretto makes his way to Tokyo, Japan, which is the world's current capitol of street racing, where he is recruited to help bail out a friend who is in trouble with a powerful group of Japanese gangsters."

    How interesting...he has a suprise role, similar to that of Kevin Spacey in 'Se7en'


  4. Dude it's wax lol. Tap it??? lmfao hahaha if you don't wash it it'll just mottle up later on, mannnnn big brands giving the wrong info. You HAVE to wash it. Soapy water I think is best, but I'm just popping my two pads in with my terry cloth towels with a little washing power in the washing machine. They're fine man. No problems. This might be bad though lol, so ask Chompies or Silva. I could be an idiot and not know it lol

    Yeah, it's good to wash your tools after each use. If you don't wash them then they will collect a tonne of junk and just imagine what that will do to your paint!

    What I do is wash all my products (microfibre separately) with dishwashing detergent (high alkaline) in warm water, then rinse with a vinegar/water mixture to soften and disolve any detergent/minerals still in the water.

    All I can say is "WOW".....and there was a reason why I've gave up Chemistry in High School....

    So can I just use Liquid Soap and Water and rinse?

    The pad that apply the "polish" & "wax" are wet and dirty, I did wash that.....

    But how about the pad that I use to buff it off? it is only dusty with "wax dust" after use...Should I wash that too?

    ??? I don't think you're supposed to use a pad to buff it off man. You use a terrycloth towel or cotten towel folded into quarters. You 'buff' off, then when it appears 'patchy' and mottled you turn it over to the clean side for a final wipe over. Let us ask the Emperor again.

    Comments Sir Chompie?

  5. I'm coming down in my car Pete, the Stivo ;)

    So you're girl has no name huh? Hmm. 'Lucifer'...hmm

    'Luci' there you go. How about 'Luci'? Short for Lucifer.

    Kinda like a demonette name for it

    Yours is Lucifer!

    Il find a demonette name for her.

    ? dude mine is lucifer but mine already has a name man. that's why I was recommending 'Luci' lol

    Mine is named 'Quax' after the duck I hit and nearly killed.

  6. Dude it's wax lol. Tap it??? lmfao hahaha if you don't wash it it'll just mottle up later on, mannnnn big brands giving the wrong info. You HAVE to wash it. Soapy water I think is best, but I'm just popping my two pads in with my terry cloth towels with a little washing power in the washing machine. They're fine man. No problems. This might be bad though lol, so ask Chompies or Silva. I could be an idiot and not know it lol

    Yeah, it's good to wash your tools after each use. If you don't wash them then they will collect a tonne of junk and just imagine what that will do to your paint!

    What I do is wash all my products (microfibre separately) with dishwashing detergent (high alkaline) in warm water, then rinse with a vinegar/water mixture to soften and disolve any detergent/minerals still in the water.

    Holy crap, you're like...the Emperor of Car Detailers :blink:

    Mate, you keep astounding me every time you post.

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