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Posts posted by Dead

  1. Riding that low is teh stoopid .. BUT i used to do it too hehe ... It just looks so darnnnnn good !!!!

    Respect for the lowriders for taking the bumpy ride and taking the hit from the cops when they try to defect you !!

    That's the thing though, most of the guys aren't illegal. They are still at a legal ride height lol. Danz and a few others are illegal but they've never been questioned lol.

  2. i must say tho.... going over bumpy road is a pain.... coz i do rub the plastic cover thingy... guard liner... quite often... having said that... i have rubbed it enough to have grind a fair it off it... :D haha!

    but having said that... bADbOYz... hurry up and experience it for yourself! coz its great!! haha!

    My first car (which we still have) is a mark 2 escort which my old man and I built. super low's pre weight weight rated and koni yellows, 2 leaves removed and panhard rod in the back too. I could feel pebbles when I drove over them lol. I learnt how to drive in that thing lmao. I'm glad dad taught me that way 'cause I got kidneys of steel now hahaha.

    Don't worry Pippy, the D2's are on their way ;)

  3. That chair is an H.R. Giger piece. 5000 euro's. I love the fact that it's cold and static. Sends shivers up my spine just thinking of sitting in it.

    H.R. Giger designed the 'Alien' creature for the movies, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. These chairs are from a design he used when working on the movie 'Dune'. They are a Harrkonien chair.

    He's a painter, an airbrusher and a sculpter. Love or hate his art, he's a very talented man :D

  4. Jase...to perform the chicken dance you have to do the following:

    1) Take a fresh chicken

    2) Place on head

    3) Put on a cape (this can be anything, table cloth etc)

    4) Smear your face with butter

    5) Get in the Corolla

    6) Goto the nearest shopping centre

    7) Go IN to the shopping centre

    8) Find a concentrated area where there is lots of pedestran traffic

    9) Flap you arms and run around saying, 'I AM THE CHICKEN KING!!! I AM TASTY CAN'T YOU SEEEEEEEEEEE?!???'

    and that is how you do the REAL chicken dance

    oh yes I nearly forgot, you have to sqwark and spank your a55 at the same time too.

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