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Everything posted by Dead

  1. mick has no life and spends all his time on the computer hahahahahahaha...oh wait...so do I :(
  2. mick always scores king. mick is the ghost in the shell, he can tap into cyberspace using his cortex. that enables him to know when he should post to be king lol.
  3. the things you do when you're drunk lol. eg: John Howard being pm
  4. Mick's just like that bec. (look busy now)
  5. Speaking of cut, anyone remember the movie 'Cut'? The only part I liked in it is when Kylie Minogue gets slashed to pieces. I nearly got off on that.
  6. Just imagine what it's like for the HSV and FPV owners with 70-80L tanks... scarey indeed. Just imagine what it'll be like when you have the s/c on mate, hehehehe lol. So worth it though.
  7. Go back to work before you get into trouble beckism lol.
  8. I'll have to start over again now...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIZ2L9Qsjmc&search=AE86 Oh man...awesome. GO UEO!!!!!!
  10. yeah man it was a damn fast trip home... i was sitting on about 120 on the freeway and this person in a lexus 4x4 roared past me, so i just took off and sat behind it for a while... the lunatic was going about 160, and i wasnt willing to stay at that speed... so i backed off and waited for the next psycho to come past... then i took the M7, and i was home before i knew it... Some people are nuts man. Really nuts lol. Using them as a buffer is funny haha.
  11. A mate and I were pi55ed after doing the Lighthouse and then the Pot Belly Bar on the way home. Found a tyre and rolled it down the hill, it ended up bouncing into the shell servo. Didn't see what happened next lol.
  12. mick and rob's driving school lol. glad he went with you, I was wheel spinning all over the place around the cotter man hahahaa.
  13. I know man....I know. Well I'll save all my big mods for another project later on down the road (dad and I restored a ford escort and I'm looking to do another car up). In about 4-5 years I'm going to restore 'a' car but unsure atm. I've started seriously considering an AE86 (levin or sprinter) and completely restoring the whole thing. Even considered a 4AG 20v silvertop with a mild turbo setup and putting that in it. The sportivo is ice man, it's awesome. I'll trick up the handling and put some different rims on it, but in the long run it'll be an everyday day. I have a hankering for forced induction these days, especially in a little hatch (AE86 the GREATEST 'hot' hatch of all time hehe).
  14. I've only needed to use to once, when my mate was being harrassed by too bogan guys lol. Never in a road rage incident. I handle road rage differently, like, if a guy winds his window down and calls me a sh!thead for doing something then I'd just look back at him and say, 'You got a mishaped head' and wind my window back up. I aint really the violent type, more 'smartar5e passive'.
  15. Hey tom, I stepped out hardcore at that last circle out of canberra. Torque twist, never experienced it before. If you stay in lift, floor it and then back off the **** steps out lmfao. AND NONE OF YOU SAW IT!!! DAMN! I thought Mick would've but he didn't. Glad you got home safe man.
  16. got home alright then mate. no probs ;)
  17. Charms is Lucy Liu. Rawr...lol
  18. you're the one that wants to goto bed lol. quick go, otherwise I'll hold you up all night
  19. how is everyone this fine evening?
  20. Dead

    more RO114

    Richo is too busy being trained to kill annoying terrorist like people to worry about doing things like that.
  21. I can see you mario. I think I found a clip of your AE86 drifting friend. If it's him, duuuuuuude he's a nutcase hahaha. What an awesome video. He's talented.
  22. Hmmmmmm. REAL bucket seats that warm your bum lol. A REAR SKIRT FROM THE FACTORY :o The taillights are a good idea. Headlights could be projector style like the ED, EL, AU XR6's and XR8's. The ride height from the factory could be better lol.
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